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“Well, not the first night. He slept on the pullout couch, so we didn’t sleep together that first night, but the second…” I let my words trail off. There’s no need to finish the statement. She knows.

“Nice,” she says, drawing out that word as she lifts her wine glass in the air to salute. “And it was…” she eggs on.

“It was…better than nice.”

“I bet it was, if that smile on your lips is any indication.” I’m smiling? I didn’t even realize.

“Anyway, we spent two nights together and, yes, they were amazing. We’re talking toe-curling, can’t remember my own name, best sex ever kinda nights.”

“Damn,” Lexi groans, fanning her face with her hand.

“When we got home last week, he kinda convinced me to give this whole dating thing a try. As you can imagine, it wasn’t an easy pitch for him, nor easy for me to accept.”

Lexi rolls her eyes. “No shit. So, you’re dating this guy?”

“Yeah,” I whisper so quietly that even I barely hear the answer. Clearing my throat, I turn to look at my sister’s matching green eyes. “He has a daughter.” Sweat starts to break out under my arms.

“Wow, okay. He’s probably, what, in his early to mid-thirties? Most adults that age have kids by now. Was he married before?”

“No, she was his client, which is one of the reasons we’ve avoided getting intimate since we met. They dated for a short period of time, got pregnant, and left shortly after their daughter, Brielle, was born.”

“What a pretty name,” Lexi says softly, sadness filling her expressive eyes once more.

“She’s a gorgeous little girl. When I stopped by his office today after work, she dropped by with his mom. There was an emergency with her sister so she dropped off Dean’s daughter on her way out of town. We ended up going for pizza, and I’m pretty sure I fell in love with that little girl tonight,” I say, lifting my glass, only to realize I’ve already drained it.

“And that’s a problem?”

“Well, it’s not expected. I’ve been working at keeping feelings out of this relationship, but then I met his daughter. She pretty much stole my heart with her big brown eyes, and that was before she put her hand inside of mine. What do I do now?” I beg. This is not what I wanted at all, but I don’t think I can backtrack at this point, either.

“What do you mean? You don’t have to do anything. You date Dean. You hang out and spend time with Brielle. You enjoy their time and company. If things progress between you and the hot accountant, then you’ll deal with it then. Otherwise, why get yourself all worked up on something that may or may not happen?”

“When did you get so wise?” I ask, smiling across the room at Lexi.

“I have an amazing older sister. She taught me so much about life, and shared her wisdom and knowledge with us mere young’uns. Her name’s Jaime,” she coos, deadpanned.

Without thinking, I toss a throw pillow and hit her straight in the face. We both bust up laughing, and together, finish off the rest of the wine. Before I know it, the clock is approaching midnight, and our yawns are nonstop. Lexi stands and walks towards the front door, grabbing her jacket and purse from the table on her way. I meet her at the door and wait for her to get ready to go.

Throwing my arms around her neck, I say, “Thank you for coming over tonight and spending time with me. I love you.”

“I love you, too, big sister. I’m very happy that you’re having all the great sex with the hot accountant.”

“He’s going to be there Saturday night, so you can’t call him the hot accountant.”

“I can call him whatever I want,” she smirks and steps outside. Before she gets to the bottom of the steps, she turns back towards me. “So the ass prints on your steel table were yours, right?”

Dammit, Grandma!
