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“Go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll see you Saturday night.”

“Pottery. The Beaver.”

Again, I chuckle. “You’re lucky I know what you meant by that or I’d think you were ready for round two.”

“Class starts at seven. The other guys should arrive around eight. They’ll hang out and wait for us. I’ll introduce you.”

“I look forward to it. Sweet dreams, Payton.”

“Good night, Dean,” she whispers, the smile on her lips heard through the phone.

Hanging up, I smile at not just what transpired, but also the prospect of meeting her family Saturday night. I’m a bit nervous since I haven’t really met someone’s family in several years, but I’ve seen most of the Summer sisters around town and they seem pretty easy-going.

Tossing the soiled shirt in the hamper, I stretch out in bed, anxious for Saturday night.

* * *

From the moment I graduated college and started working in the real world, I drifted from the few friends I had made in school. After a few years of hard work and keeping my nose to the grindstone, I met Brooke and our social life revolved around her and her friends.

So when my buddy Greg calls me up Saturday morning, saying he’ll be in town for the weekend, I jump at the opportunity to meet up with him. I’m supposed to take Bri to Mom’s house mid-afternoon, which means I have plenty of time to get together with Greg, have dinner, and catch up before I need to head to The Beaver to meet Payton.

We decide to meet at Joker’s Wild because they serve the best steaks on Saturday nights. When I walk through the front door, I make my way through the bar to the back room, which serves as their restaurant. I spot Greg right away at a back table with a large mug of beer sitting in front of him.

“Hey, man. Good to see you,” he says as I approach.

“You too. Having that MD behind your name looks good on you,” I quip goodheartedly.

He laughs and takes a drink from his full mug. “It better look good on me for all the sleep and social engagements I sacrificed putting myself through medical school.”

“How’s life?” I ask, grabbing a menu.

“Good. Busy. I joined a small practice in Virginia Beach two years ago when I completed my residency and met a woman who doesn’t complain about my crazy work schedule.”

After ordering a beer for myself, I reply, “That’s great, man. Congrats. Are we going to be doing the YMCA and the Casper Slide at your wedding soon?”

“Actually, that’s why I’m here. I’m hoping you’ll make a weekend out of coming to Virginia Beach on August thirty-first and standing up with me while I profess my love to one woman for the rest of my life.”

I blink several times, surprised at his request.

“I can tell I’ve caught you off guard. I wasn’t expecting to start off our dinner with this, but that’s where it went.”

“No, I’m happy for you. I’d be honored to stand up with you.”

“Thanks,” he says sheepishly. “I’ll admit that we haven’t stayed in touch as much as I would have liked over the last decade since college, but I’ve always considered you one of my closest friends. And with my work schedule, I haven’t made too many friends who aren’t work colleagues, so I made an exception and asked you.”

I can’t help it, I laugh hard. “Well, even if your options are limited, I’m honored. I’ll be there.”

“Thanks, man. Let’s order so we can catch up.”

Greg and I each order the prime rib, baked potato, and vegetables and are on our second beer before we turn the conversation from his upcoming wedding to me. “So, what’s new with you? Last time we spoke Bri was getting ready to start school.”

“She’s in kindergarten and loves it. The geek in me loves it that she wants to read books every night instead of video games or something like that.”

“Oh, I get that. Keri loves those dirty romance novels. Reading those things before bed is better than porn,” he says with a cocky smile.

“Well, thankfully she’s a little young for that, but I get what you’re saying. I’m glad you found someone who has the same interests as you.” Back in school, Greg was your typical bookworm like me. We spent many weeknights studying together in the campus library. Even though our fields of study were different, it was nice to have a buddy to hang out with, even if the majority of the time was spent on homework.

“What about you? Anyone beating down the door to become Mrs. McIntire?”

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