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My face flushes instantly as Payton’s picture comes to mind. “No, not really.”

Greg looks at me with a critical eye and must notice my hesitation. “No?”

I give my friend a small smile and wait him out.

He sits back and gives me his own knowing smile. “I’ve got all night.” Apparently, he’s going to wait it out too.

Finally, after three or four minutes of both of us just staring at each other with stupid smirks, I concede. “Fine. There’s someone. It’s new, but I have high hopes.”

“This is big,” he says as the waitress delivers our food. “I mean, you haven’t dated much since Brooke.” He makes a face like he bit into something sour when he says her name. Greg wasn’t a fan of Brooke’s the few times we all hung out. No, it’s not something he confessed, but I could see it on his face and read his body language well enough to know that he didn’t care for my girlfriend. And I’m certain the feeling was mutual.

“That was a polite way of saying single loser.”

“No way. You have been a committed dad for five years, most of them as both mom and dad. You’ve done something very commendable, my friend. I hope to be half the dad you are someday.” He offers me a warm smile that tells me he means every word.

A blush creeps up my neck at the compliment. “Thank you.”

“Anyway, back to this woman. Who is she?”

“She owns a business here in town, and I’ve known her since I moved here. We’ve…been friendly for a few months now, but recently decided to date more publically. Frankly, she’s amazing and I love spending time with her.”

“Nice. Sounds like a great woman. You know, you’re welcome to bring her to the wedding in August.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” I say, finishing off my steak. “She met Bri earlier in the week by accident.”

Greg pushes his plate away and tosses his napkin on the table. “By accident? How does that happen?”

Again, I feel myself blush. Thank God the lights are fairly dim in this joint. “She was at my office when Mom stopped by with Bri. I had no choice but to introduce them. Bri fell in love with her right away, which makes me happy, but I’m still a little worried that she’ll get too attached. Not that I don’t see this going further with Payton, but it’s still new, you know?”

“I hear ya, and that makes sense. I’m glad to see you smile again, buddy.” As the waitress delivers our check, he continues. “I hope it works out for you. You deserve this more than any man I know.”

“Well, thank you. I’m heading over to a local pub tonight to meet up with her and her family. It’ll be my first time officially meeting them as the boyfriend.”

Greg smiles widely. “Good luck. If you can survive the family, you can survive anything.”

I hope he’s right. Just hearing a few of Payton’s stories about her family, and those from a few residents around town, I know her family is extremely close and maybe a bit whacky. Honestly, that might be the aspect I’m looking forward to the most. I’m an only child so there’s a huge thrill at getting to see the camaraderie they share, firsthand.

“You’ll bring Keri by soon so I can meet her, right?” I say as we step outside of the bar. The night air is crisp and you can feel the rain coming in.

“Yes. We’re going home for my mom’s birthday in May so we’ll make arrangements to get together. Maybe I’ll be able to meet your Payton,” he says with a smile.

“Maybe,” I agree with my own grin.

We do that customary bro hug that all guys seem to know and agree to be in touch soon. As I quickly make my way to my car, I run through a few pieces of our conversation. It was great to catch up with my friend, but I’m anxious to get to the next part of my night. I shoot a quick text message to my mom and make sure everything is good with Bri, and after receiving her confirmation that everything’s great, I jump in my car and head towards The Beaver.

I head towards Payton.

* * *

The Beaver isn’t crowded as I make my way inside and towards the front bar. There’s a handful of stools open, and fortunately one right beside Ryan Elson. I’ve not officially met him, but I’ve seen him around town enough to be able to pick him out of a crowd. He’s incredibly tall with brown hair and brown eyes and has one of those tans guys get from working outside.

“Hey, is this seat taken?” I ask before sliding on the stool.

“Nope. It’s yours,” he says with a friendly smile. “You must be Dean. I was told to be nice,” he adds as he extends his hand.

I can’t help but laugh as we shake hands, instantly feeling at ease with my new situation. “I am Dean, and you must be Ryan.”

“That’s me. Josh should be here any minute. Actually, I’m surprised he’s not here yet. He usually beats me to these things.”
