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Chapter Twenty-Five


Four weeks later

Do you know what really sucks?

Morning sickness.

Mostly because mine isn’t morning sickness at all. Oh, no. I actually get up feeling great. No nausea, no weariness. I feel fine. Not energetic or anything crazy like that, but not any of the typical things associated with pregnancy.

Now seven p.m.?

That’s a whole other story.

Like clockwork, my fatigue and nausea kicks in towards the end of my workday, which basically renders me completely useless. I’m suddenly exhausted and cranky and can’t keep anything in my belly. I’ve tried everything from herbal teas to topical oils, but nothing helps alleviate the early evening sickness that sweeps in.

Linkin has been amazing. He’s not afraid of a little puke, which is great because there seems to be quite a lot of it lately. He’s also turning pro when it comes to shoulder and foot rubs. Seriously, the man is smoking hot, has more muscles than a gym locker room, a dick that would make any man envious, and can practically evoke orgasms when he gives a foot rub.

Yep, I’m one lucky woman.

“How are you feeling today?” Ella asks from her station next to mine.

“Fabulous,” I reply, flat-ironing Maggie Drew’s long blonde hair until it’s silky and smooth.

“Oh, I heard you were pregnant,” Maggie says, watching my every move in the mirror. “Your grandma was in the boutique last week and was gushing over some of the new outfits. She’s very anxious for the baby.”

“It’s been a month and she’s already bought bags of unisex clothes and wants to go crib shopping. It seems a bit early, considering I’ve only had one doctor’s appointment. Next month, I’m scheduled for an ultrasound since their machine was down at my first one,” I say, removing the cape from my client.

“Ultrasounds! What fun. They didn’t have those things when I had my Joseph. They just came out a surprise,” Maggie adds, carefully standing up from my chair.

“I think I want to be surprised,” I say to the room at large. “There are very few real surprises in life, ya know?”

“I agree,” Ella says. “Though I’m not sure I could make it nine months without shopping for specifics. I mean, it would be so easy to shop if you knew if you were having a boy or girl.”

Very true.

“What does Linkin say?” Barb wonders.

“I’m not really sure,” I say somewhat absently. “We haven’t really discussed it.”

“Oh, there’s plenty of time for that, right?” Cecelia adds.

“Right,” everyone chimes in.

I send Maggie on her way and glance down at my schedule. I used to be able to work through lunch, but not anymore. Being pregnant has forced a bunch of changes, in addition to the physical ones to my features. The biggest change is my boobs, which Linkin seems to find great joy in. Of course, they’re sensitive enough that I find great joy in them too.

My book says I have thirty minutes until my next client, which leaves me just enough time to eat the chicken salad sandwich I brought. The bell on the door rings, announcing a visitor. When I glance up from the desk, I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face.


And he brought Chinese.

The amazing aroma fills the salon and makes my mouth water. Of course, that could be the incredibly sexy man carrying the bag and wearing a smirk. “Hi,” I say as he approaches the desk.

“Hi,” he answers, stopping in front of me and setting the bag on the counter. “How’s my baby mama?”

“Suddenly starving,” I answer, grabbing for the bag of food and glancing inside. “Oh my God, you brought kung pao chicken and sautéed vegetables and rice.”
