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“It doesn’t really matter how I get one,” she starts, stuttering.

“Of course it does. We’re doing this the old fashioned way, sweetheart.”

“We?” she asks, her eyebrows flying into her hair.

“We. You and me.”

“I can’t have a baby with you,” she stutters, spitting out her words and trying to back away from me.

“Of course you can. I’m insanely attractive and you can’t keep your hands off my body.”

That earns an eye roll. “You’re unbelievable.”

“I know,” I smirk. “Do you know how fucking awesome our kid would be?” I ask, feigning offense. That gets the smallest smile on those sexy lips. “Besides, you don’t have to pay for my sperm.”

“But we’d have to…you know,” she says, pointing back and forth between my chest and hers.

“We would. And I would enjoy the shit out of that part, Firecracker.”

“Wait a minute,” she says, standing up. “You’re telling me that you want to have a baby? With me?”

“Why not?” I ask, shrugging my shoulders.

“Because it’s…well, it’s just…I don’t know what it is exactly, but it shouldn’t happen. Oh my God, I can’t think straight,” she says, dropping her head into her hands. “This is crazy.”

“Listen,” I start, grabbing her hands and holding them firmly in my own. “You want a baby, right? It’s been your dream well before some fucking asshole ripped it away from you. So, let’s get you a baby.”

“How did you…” she starts, her cheeks staining pink.

“You told me as you were crawling into my bed.” That earns a blush.

“But, what am I going to tell my family?”

“Tell them we’re dating. Tell them you went to that sperm place. Tell them it was some random stranger who was insanely gorgeous with a massive cock. I don’t care.” That gets another smile. See? I could spend the rest of my life trying to make this woman smile just like that. It does weird things to my heart (amongst other body parts).

After several minutes where she seems to be lost in thought, she finally speaks. “What do you get out of this?”

“You mean besides the opportunity to take you to bed?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

“Yes, besides that. Why do this?”

Running my hand along the back of my neck, I turn and face the window. “I guess I’m just at the point in my life where I want to do something for me. I want to live my life under my terms, not someone else’s. I’m twenty-six years old and tired of having to deal with crap that has nothing to do with me. This? This baby would be my doing, under my terms. A part of me.”

“Do you want to be involved?” she asks, her voice quiet.

“Honestly, yeah. I’d love to fucking be involved. I know you planned to go at this alone, but this way, you’d always have someone to help you. A friend, so to speak, to share the load.”

“A friend?” she asks, giving me her own smirk.

“A friend who’s seen you naked,” I reply, getting smacked in the gut.

“You’re crazy,” she whispers, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Maybe, but I want to do this. If it were anyone else, I’d never offer. But with you? I don’t know what it is, but it feels right,” I tell her.

“But we barely know each other.”

“True, but I trust you not to fuck me over. I hope you feel the same.”
