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“Bedtime!” I holler, jumping off the couch as if my ass were on fire.

“No!” Jeff yells, while Jack grabs his sword. “Let’s duel this out.”

“No duels. No arguing. Bedtime.”

The boys say goodnight to Lexi, and I have to practically drag them to their bedroom as if they were off to their deaths. Never mind that it’s exactly eight thirty, which is their bedtime, but they’re so used to staying up a little past it when they’re with me that they’re not taking the bedtime enforcement so well.

After they brush their teeth and get in bed, I turn on the nightlight and give them hugs. “Good night, boys,” I say as I step back into the hall, leaving the door cracked just a hair.

Lexi’s still on one end of the couch, too far away from where I want her.

Which is in my arms.

“Come here,” I whisper hoarsely, reaching for her body, needing to feel it against mine. She moves easily, crawling into my lap.

My cock is strained against my pants, but I make no move to adjust it to a comfortable position. I’m afraid that if I move, she’ll disappear. Instead, I keep my hands in contact with her soft skin as much as possible. I slide my hands up her arms, reveling in the way goose bumps pepper her flesh. Her eyes blaze with a need, a desire, that I can’t describe–can only feel.

Her lips move as she leans forward. They’re slightly parted and the sight of them inching closer and closer turns me on like a light switch. Her eyes flutter closed just before our lips connect when we hear, “I need to use the potty.”

Cockblocked by an eight-year-old.

Lexi jumps in my lap, pulling back until she practically falls on the floor.

“Were you two kissing?” Jeff giggles while Jack goes into the bathroom.

“No,” she gasps at the same time I say, “Yep.”

She jumps the rest of the way off my lap, returning to her half of the couch, and curling her legs into her chest. “Come on, knuckleheads. Back to bed,” I say, rubbing my hands over my face and willing my hard-on to subside.

They’re giggling like girls when I enter the bedroom. “Are we done getting up?”

“You were kissing. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

“First comes love.”

“Then comes marriage.”

“That’s enough, boys,” I interrupt their chanting and tuck them back into their bunks. “Sleep. You have school in the morning.”

“I hate school,” Jeff grumbles.

“I love it. Miss Hillengoss always wears pretty high heels,” Jack smirks.

“You’re too young to notice that,” I reply, shaking my head. “Goodnight,” I add as I step back out of the room, closing the door as I go. I can hear them laughing on the other side.

It’s still not quiet when I reach the living room, but I join her on the couch once more. My cock is strained against my pants, begging to come out and play. But he’s just gonna have to wait, because that’s not happening tonight.

“Are they asleep?” she asks softly, her arms wrapping around my waist once more. The way she’s leaning against me brings her dangerously close to my zipper, causing my dick to pound against the restraint in protest.

“Not with you here. They’ll probably need to pee again in a few minutes or want a glass of water.”

“I should go.”

“Probably,” I agree, pulling her tighter against my body. Nope, she’s not going anywhere yet.

“This doesn’t feel like me leaving,” she whispers, her small fingers flexing against my shirt, making my abs jump. I’d kill for her touch against my bare skin right now.

“Nope. I can’t let you leave yet,” I say, picking her up and moving her. She straddles my front, my cock so fucking close to the one place it wants to be more than anything. I’d gladly give up air right now if it meant being inside her.
