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Today, I was late.

And I have a secret; one that I can’t wait to share.

“Speaking of procreating,” Grandma starts, snapping my thoughts from my libido, as she gets right in my face. “You’re positively…glowing tonight,” she says with a wicked smile.

“Thank you,” I reply, dropping my eyes and my voice.

“Does he know?”

I glance up, shocked, yet not really surprised in the least. “No. I just found out.”

“He’s going to be so excited,” she whispers.

“He is,” I confirm, glancing back to the bar area where Linkin is talking with my dad and Levi.

“When are you going to tell him?”

“I was trying to figure out a clever way to tell him, but all I keep coming back to is just shouting it out.”

“Oh, Lexi Lou, you don’t need some creative baby announcement. When you’re ready just say the words and sit back and watch his face light up. I promise you, you won’t want to miss that part. I remember the look on your grandpa’s face when I told him I was pregnant with Trish,” she says softly, her green eyes filling with tears. Hearing the emotion in her voice is enough to send my crazy-sensitive emotional status teetering on hysterics.

“I wish I had more time with her,” I whisper, the words choking the air out of me.

“We all do, sweetie. She was an amazing woman, but more than that, she was an amazing mother.” I fight the tears. “And do you know what?” she asks, giving me her full attention. It’s as if we’re the only two in the room. “I have no doubt in my mind that you, Alexis Summer, will be just as wonderful to this child.” Before I realize what’s happening, she has her hand gently resting on my stomach.

The tears fall unchecked. I glance around, and notice no one paying us any attention, which is probably a good thing, considering I’m crying and my grandma has her hand on my belly.

But then my glaze shifts and lands on Linkin. Concern fills his eyes as he takes in my tear-streaked face. He’s moving before I can even offer him an I’m okay smile.

“Tell him when you’re ready, child. He’ll be over the moon with excitement…just like the rest of us.” Grandma offers me a wink before disappearing.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asks, looking me up and down for any signs of problems.

“I’m fine,” I say, clearing my throat. “She got me a little emotional, is all.”

“That’s it?” he asks, looking like he’s ready to defend my honor and sleigh the dragons.

“Yeah. She talked a bit about my mother,” I say softly, feeling sad for all that I – and my sisters – have lost, but so incredibly blessed to have had her for the handful of years we did.

Linkin wraps his arms around me, pulling me tightly into his chest. His hug is warm and comforting as I breathe in the familiarity. How can someone I’ve known mere months mean more to me than anyone else ever has?

Because I love him.

And it’s so much more consuming than anything I’ve ever experienced. He’s the wind in my sails as he helps guide me through oceans. He’s the sun as it rises high in the sky, lighting up my day. He’s the air I breathe, the comfort I call home.

He’s everything.

I almost tell him right there, but then I hear Payton holler. “They’re here!”

Instead, I grab his hand and pull him towards the center of the room with the rest of my family. There’s a few regulars sitting at the bar, smiling and watching the chaos, while Lucky pours drinks behind the counter. We picked this particular location because there’s a band performing at The Beaver, therefore we’d have this place mostly to ourselves.

So far, the plan has worked.

“I can’t believe she was staring at you like that. Seriously, I was sitting right there! It’s not like she couldn’t see me! I was the one with my hand down your pants while she was flirting with you, and I’ll be the one with your tongue between my-” Jaime gripes, stopping when she enters the bar, Ryan hot on her heels. “What’s this?”

“Surprise!” we all answer together.

“What the…” she yells, a happy-surprise look on her face.
