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“Why are there dicks all over the bar?” Ryan asks, glancing around at the obscene amount of penises in the room.

“Grandma was in charge of decorations,” Meghan answers.

“That explains it,” Ryan says, shrugging off his jacket and taking Jaime’s from her arm.

“You guys,” Jaime calls before running into our waiting arms. We’re a big mess of twelve arms all gripping and hugging each other. I love our group hugs, though I’ll admit, most of them happen at the end of the evening after the alcohol has been flowing and all that’s left is talk about road-head.

“It’s a surprise bachelor and bachelorette party,” Abby says, connecting all of the dots for our sister.

“Thank you so much,” she says, tears swimming in her matching emerald green eyes. “I can’t believe you did all of this. And were able to keep it a secret,” she adds with a laugh. Truth is, we’re not the best with secrets. Each of us came equipped with a sister lie detector system which is able to scope out a sister’s secret at fifty paces.

“Anything for you,” Payton says, turning and grabbing the drinks off the tray Dean is holding beside her.

She hands shot glasses to each of us, careful not to spill any of the amber liquid from within. I hold the small glass in my hand, suddenly fearful of spilling my secret. All eyes will be on me – Lexi, the wild one – as I refuse to take the shot. They’ll know. They’ll figure out my secret before I’ve had a chance to tell Linkin. And let’s be honest, I’ve imagined telling him about being pregnant fifty thousand ways, but in a bar was never one of them.

On top of that, it’s Jaime and Ryan’s big night. The last thing I want to do is steal their thunder and make tonight all about me. That would be very uncool little sister of me, and I’d never want to do that to my sister.

“What’s wrong? You’re staring at that shot like it’s about to tell you Victoria’s secret,” Linkin says softly beside me.

“Oh, I was just thinking that I haven’t eaten much today. Doing a shot before I eat probably isn’t the brightest idea.”

“Ahh,” he says with that trademarked smirk. “Fear not, fair maiden, I shall take the shot on your behalf and no one will be the wiser.” This time, I get that sexy little wink. “And maybe when you’re feelin’ like drinkin’, I’ll talk you into sharing the secret.”

My body tenses with fear. “Secret?” I ask, my throat suddenly dry and my heart trying to claw its way from my chest.

“Yeah, you know… Victoria’s secret? I’d love to get an up close, personal view later this evening of what treasures and secrets Lexi has beneath that sweater,” he whispers, his deep voice dripping with sex.

“Oh. That secret.” God! I’m such an idiot. I’m going to give away the secret completely on my own and will have no one to blame but myself. Quickly trying to draw attention away, I slide against his hard, unforgiving body and practically purr. “I’ll definitely let you in on that secret later tonight.”

“Attention, everyone!” Payton hollers over the jukebox in the corner and the Summer girls’ giggles. “Tonight, we’re here to celebrate the upcoming wedding of our sister Jaime to Ryan. Jaime, we couldn’t be happier that you’ve finally found your happily ever after.” Jaime turns and snuggles into Ryan’s side, her smile wide and full of happiness. “And Ryan, thanks for not running away screaming after you met our crazy family. In fact, we think you fit in nicely, and we’re blessed to have you become a part of it in a few weeks.”

“To Ryan and Jaime,” my dad says proudly, lifting his shot glass high in the air.

“To Ryan and Jaime,” everyone echoes before taking their shot of hard liquor.

I can feel Grandma’s eyes on me, but I don’t look over to confirm. I know if I do, I’ll blurt it out right here and now. I keep my eyes on the floor, careful not to make eye contact with anyone in the room.

Suddenly, I feel the glass pulled from my fingers and replaced quickly with an empty one. Linkin throws back the second shot before anyone is the wiser. A sigh of relief slips from my lips as my eyes connect with his dark chocolate ones. They’re shining with mischief and maybe the start of a little buzz.

Grandpa steps forward, a second round of shots ready to go.

“Uh, Grandpa, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I need to eat something,” Meghan says, a concerned look on her pretty face.

“Oh, come on Meggy Pie! How often does your granddaughter get married?” she asks, then suddenly freezes. “Well, that other time doesn’t count,” Grandma quickly adds, referring to the first engagement Jaime had. Gavin left her the week of her wedding because he realized he was gay.

“Anyway, to our beautiful Jaime,” Grandpa says, choking a bit on his emotions. “It has been a joy watching you grow into the superb, compassionate woman you are today. I know you’ll make Ryan very happy.”

“To Jaime and Ryan,” Grandma adds, raising another shot above her head.

“To Jaime and Ryan,” we all cheer.

Before Grandma throws back her drink, she loudly declares, “To road-head!”

And the room falls silent once more.
