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Chapter Twenty-Two


The party has been in full swing for the last hour. Lucky was kind enough to let us take over the place, without charging us any sort of rental – even though we offered. Instead, I told him I’d help clean up afterwards and even offered to help behind the bar. Of course, with The Beaver hosting a band tonight, the place is pretty empty, which is why he was fine with us having the party here. He’s making more money off the Summer family than he would have without them.

“I brought you all something,” Orval says as he takes a seat at the table where Levi, Dean, Ryan, and myself are seated. We’ve been watching the girls with their dad and Grandma shooting pool, darts, and trash talking better than most guys I’ve met over my time tending bar.

“Did you make those?” Dean asks Levi, who is sort of the resident Betty Crocker. The dude can cook and bake just about anything. I’d give him a good ribbing over it, but the fact is his shit is good so I keep my mouth shut. That way, he keeps making stuff for us.

“Nope,” Levi says, glancing down at the plate of chocolate brownies.

“I made them,” Grandpa declares proudly. “My Emma was off getting her hair done earlier at the salon with Lexi, so I thought I’d whip up a batch of my famous double chocolate brownies. They’re delicious! Try one,” he encourages, shoving the plate in Dean’s face.

“Fine,” he says, taking one from the plate. We all watch as he slowly takes a small bite, chewing carefully.

“Wow, not bad,” Deans says with a shrug before taking a much bigger bite.

“What, did you think I was going to poison ya?” Grandpa asks, laughing, as he holds the plate out for Ryan and me to each grab one.

“I don’t know, Orval, would you?” Levi asks with a cheeky grin.

“Poison ya? Naw, that’s not my style,” he says, eyes sparkling under the fluorescent lighting and neon beer signs.

My mouth waters when I take my first bite. These were the type of treats that were rare when I was growing up, but when Mom would make something, it was chocolate brownies. They’re one of my favorites. “These are damn good,” I tell Orval, polishing off one brownie and diving in for a second. Doesn’t matter that I just ate a plate full of appetizers and other junk food that the girls brought.

They’re brownies.

And they’re fucking good.

It doesn’t take long before the four of us polish off the small plate of brownies. Orval smiles proudly as he looks down at the empty tray. There’s nothing left but crumbs. Hell, I think Levi even licked the crumbs.

We’re all chatting loudly and telling stories, yet still keeping our eyes on the girls. It’s my first taste of sitting on this side of the bar, shooting the shit with people who I’m starting to consider my family. Warmth spreads through my chest as I seek out my girl. She’s standing with her twin, who may look similar in physical features, but is night and day different in personality. Abby has that whole sweet and innocent thing going on, and Lexi is, well, not. Not saying she isn’t sweet or innocent, but Lexi has a wild streak begging to come out and a feisty side that I love to rile up.

When she looks up, our gazes clash and I feel it like a punch to my gut. The wind is knocked out of me the moment she smiles, which suddenly is stirring up other things below the belt. It’s a heady feeling to love someone, yet fearful of fucking it all up at the same time. She’s far too good for me, but I’d be damned lucky if I had the chance to spend the rest of my life making her happy.

Standing up, I make my way to the middle of the room to meet her, since she’s already heading my direction. “Dance with me,” I instruct, since it’s not really a question.

Her eyebrow shoots skyward and a tiny smirk crosses her lips, but she doesn’t call me out on my rudeness. Instead, she links her hand in mine and follows behind to the center of the makeshift dance floor. The old karaoke machine is fired up, though no one has used it tonight. Together, we slow dance to some old country tune about finding everlasting love.

Ironic, right?

“The party is a success,” I tell her, boastful of the amount of work Lexi and her sisters put into the party.

“It is. Jaime was totally surprised, and is well on her way to being happily drunk. Ryan is sure to get road-head tonight.”

“Road-head, huh?” I ask, waggling my eyebrows at her and giving her my best dirty smirk.

“Maybe if you’re a good boy,” she replies sweetly.

“I have it on good authority that you prefer me when I’m bad.” That gets the familiar sparkle back in to her eyes. She was looking a little tired and rundown earlier, and I’ve been trying to keep a close eye on her. I’m glad we have no plans for tomorrow so she can sleep in and hopefully catch up on some much needed rest.

Well, that’s if my wayward cock doesn’t decide to be a dick and wake her up too early. You know him, all needy and hard for her all the damn time. I’m like a walking hard-on. Kinda like now, I think, casually adjusting myself.

We finish up the song, but the discomfort in my pants is starting to really piss me off, so I excuse myself to head to the john. Lexi’s off to throw darts with her dad, which gives me a few minutes to get my cock under control. I mean, I know she’s hot and he’s super excited for later tonight, but this is a bit excessive, even for him. It’s like I’m a teenager all over again and the hot cheerleader just walked into class.

Hoping that using the head will help alleviate the hardness in my pants is fruitless. In fact, it’s fucking difficult as hell. Have you ever tried to piss with a hard-on? No? Well, it’s not comfortable, my friend, not to mention the fact that things are pointed straight up, but you’re trying to piss down. Fun times.

Levi comes in a few seconds later and approaches the urinal next to mine. He’s kinda grumbling under his breath, but I don’t comment. I mean, we’re not exactly in the right situation or place to ask if everything is all right, ya know?

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