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“You’re not?” I ask, glancing between my woman and the massive rubber dong in my hand.

Why am I still holding it?

“She says you’re bigger,” Lexi says, shrugging. “You’re gonna have to show us.”

My head whips around to the petite brunette with a wicked gleam in her eyes and an ornery smile on her face.

“What?” I gasp.

“It’s a rule,” she replies loudly.

“It’s not a rule,” Abby insists.

“Well, it should be,” her twin sasses.

“Why do you have a dildo out in front of my children?” Linkin bellows from the open doorway. “And why the fuck are you holding it?” he asks me with a disgusted look.

Of course, I go ahead and toss the thing onto the bed, where it bounces off and hits the floor.

“Don’t say fuck in front of my children!” Lexi replies.

“Our children,” he says softly before placing a kiss on her lips. “How’s my baby doing today?” he asks, reaching around and placing a hand on Lexi’s stomach.

Everyone gasps.

“Shit.” Linkin closes his eyes before glancing down at Lexi. “Sorry.”

“You’re pregnant?” Abby asks her twin.

“Apparently,” she grumbles.

Linkin has a huge smile on his face and takes the baby from her arms. “My little men are gonna be big brothers, aren’t you?” he asks Hudson.

“How? When? What?” Meghan gasps, all attention turning to Lexi.

“Well… Do you know how hard it is to wait six weeks? It’s practically a lifetime! It’s impossible!” she declares, tears filling her eyes.

“She couldn’t keep her hands off me,” Linkin chimes in.

“How far along are you?” Jaime asks.

“Ummm… about three months,” she whispers.

“Three months?!” all of her sisters holler at the same time.

“I know, I know,” she says, dropping her hands to her side and going to Hemi, who’s tucked in Jaime’s arms. “I was gonna tell you, but…” she glances at Payton and then around the room, wide-eyed. “I was afraid. And there were no condoms since we hadn’t used them in a year. Actually, we had never used them. And I just needed it. It had been so freaking long.” Lexi glances back to Payton. “I’m sorry.”

Payton steps forward and wraps her arms around the youngest sister and baby. “You don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me anything, Lexi Lou. I love you and am so happy that you’re having another baby. And I know when, and if, the time is right, I’ll have big news to tell you too. Someday, maybe I’ll be the one sharing the excitement.” Payton shrugs, but doesn’t fight the tears.

Damn those tears. They all have them in their eyes, even AJ.

Clearing my throat, I reach down and grab the big black cock and toss it back on the bed. “I’m just gonna…” I start and point to the escape. AJ’s tear-filled eyes glance my way, a big smile on her face, and she mouths, “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” I tell her as I kiss her forehead and exit the room.

Too much emotions. Too many tears. Too much estrogen.

Needing a quick breather, I slip down the hall to my bedroom. Our bedroom. She’s slept here every night since that fateful October evening when my world finally felt right again. Inside, it’s quiet and somewhat undisrupted, even though there are a few boxes stacked on the far wall and the bathroom light is on.
