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Finally, Emma and Orval join us on the floor. He pulls his wife into his arms, and they move in time, their hips swaying to the music. He holds her so tenderly, so lovingly, that a lump forms in my throat.

I want that.

I want sixty years with the woman in my arms.

Years of love and laughter and inappropriate sexual innuendos.

Orval glances my way and gives me a grin. “Hey, Doc,” he whispers just over the music. “There are a few pieces of cake left in the back. I made it special just for tonight,” he adds with a wink.

Special cake?

Suddenly, I see Sawyer move uncomfortably, adjusting not only AJ in his arms, but his black tuxedo pants as well. Linkin moves a bit, juggling his daughter and his wife as he tries to get comfortable. Levi stops completely and glances down. Dean gives his daughter to his wife and tries to discreetly adjust his own pants.

And me? I’m stuck watching it all like a train wreck. You know the one where you should definitely look away, but you can’t seem to do it?

Abruptly, all of the guys turn and face the ornery old man. There’s no mistaking the problem they’re all trying to conceal and the looks of panic on their faces. They all go from wide-eyed shock to outrage in a matter of seconds. Even Brian looks a bit uncomfortable in this situation, but I don’t dare laugh.

And Grandpa just smiles, gazing adoringly down at his bride of sixty-some years.

My heart starts to pound in my chest as I look down at the woman I love. “Thank you,” I say, pulling her flush against my body, my own groin stirring in my pants, though not for the same reason as everyone else.

“For what?” she asks, stopping her dance and looking into my eyes.

“For taking the chance. For letting me love you.”

She gives me that smile. The one I hope to see on her face for the rest of my life. “Loving you is the easy part.”

“Loving you is pretty damn easy, too, honey. I’m just glad you realized it. But know that if you wouldn’t have, if last night had ended much differently, I wouldn’t have given up on you. I wouldn’t have given up on us. Because you and I? We’re forever.”

Her eyes fill with unshed tears, and even though I know these are the good ones, it still makes me unhappy to see them in her eyes. I never want to see those fucking tears again. She’s cried too much, and I make a silent vow to never put them there again, for as long as I live.

I’m about to tell her when the moment is shattered like a glass on ceramic tile. Even the music seems to stop and all eyes turn in one man’s direction. Tension (and erections) fill the dance floor as all of the guys stand there and gaze at the only smiling man still dancing with his wife.

