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“I do,” I answer with a shrug. Dipping two into the condiment, I hold them out and wait. Meghan shakes her head in answer, but keeps her eyes on the fries. “Come on, you know you wanna,” I egg her on.

She gives me a skeptical look, but slowly drops her legs and leans forward. I expect her to take the fries from my hand, but am pleasantly surprised when she just takes a bite, from my fingers. Her lip grazes my thumb and I can feel her breath settle on my skin. She closes her eyes as she chews, slowly sitting back onto the couch.

My cock? Throbbing.

“Well?” I ask, popping what is left of the two fries in my fingers into my mouth, and trying not to think about the fact that they were just touching Meghan’s lips.

“I stand by my original statement,” she replies, taking a long pull of her milkshake.

“You don’t know what’s good for you.” With that, I eat my dinner, while engaging in small talk with my dental hygienist.

Before we both know it, it’s approaching midnight. “I can’t believe it’s so late,” I state, jumping up and rounding up my trash.

“Me neither. I never stay up this late, unless it’s sisters’ night.”

“Well, you still have a few weeks to go before your next late night.”

“Yep. Next one is to celebrate AJ and Sawyer. We’re having a bachelorette party at Lucky’s, while the guys go to a baseball game that afternoon. They should return about the time the alcohol starts to kick in,” she says right before yawning.

“I know,” I tell her, making sure I’ve got my phone and keys. “I’m going.”

Meghan stops and looks my way. “You are?”

I shrug. “Yeah, well, maybe he’s in the market for a new dentist and this was their idea of vetting me before sitting in the chair?” She just smiles that warm grin that recently started to make my heart pound like a snare drum in my chest. “Plus, my brother-in-law is going, so maybe that has something to do with it?”

“Oh, sure. I forgot about Stuart. Natalie is on the invite list for the bachelorette party,” Meghan confirms.

“And she’s very excited. She mentioned last night at dinner that she’s looking forward to the decorations,” I laugh.

“I still can’t believe that. That’s the last time we put Grandma in charge of decorating,” she adds, referring to the wall-to-wall dicks used as décor for Jaime and Ryan’s co-party.

We stare at each other for a few seconds, both still smiling, until neither of us know what to do or say. Finally, Meghan speaks. “Thank you for the milkshake. You made my night.”

“Mine too.” She has no idea. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I add as I make my way to her front door. Glancing down, I see a pair of old, worn tennis shoes by the closet door. A man’s pair of shoes. Josh’s shoes.

Her eyes follow mine, and her once bright eyes turn dark and stormy. I can practically see the sadness sweeping in, transforming her right before my eyes. When I open the door, I hesitate. Part of me doesn’t want to leave her here, alone, when she’s surrounded by so many memories and could-have-beens. But I also know that I’m not her keeper, and even though I consider myself her friend, if she’s not asking for help, I’m in no position to force her.

“Good night, Meggy Pie,” I say as I step onto her small porch.

She gives me a look that’s part amusement and part annoyance, but I’d take that over the look of angst that was there just a few moments ago. “Good night, Nicholas Adams, D.D.S.,” she sasses.

Throwing her a smile and a wave, I head down the steps and toward my car. I slip inside, noticing that Meghan’s still on the porch, watching me. I wait a minute for her to go back inside, but realize she’s waiting on me to leave first.

I slide my key into the ignition, put the car in reverse, and pull out of her driveway. Giving her another wave, I slowly drive away, those long legs still visible from the rearview mirror.

And even though I try not to think about those sexy legs and mouthwatering breasts – and those nipples, holy hell, those fucking nipples – I know they’ll accompany me as I drift off to sleep to images of my beautiful dental hygienist.

Employee handbook, be damned.

* * *

A six a.m. text wakes me from an amazing dream (one that starred a certain brunette with intoxicating green eyes and perky nipples). When I glance at the clock and my phone, I groan.

After getting home well after midnight this morning, I had a hard time falling asleep. Mostly because I was hard as a rock and refused to do anything about it, at least while picturing a certain someone who shall remain nameless.

Rhenn’s name greets me on the screen. I already know what his message will say before I even swipe my finger. If you’re not ten minutes early, you’re already late, according to my friend.

Rhenn: Where ya at? The mats wait for no one.
