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Chapter Seven


“A How-To book on conceiving? Really, Meghan?” Payton seethes as soon as I step foot inside Blossoms and Blooms on Tuesday.

I glance around at the laughing faces of my sisters and immediately start to giggle myself. “There’s pictures,” I reason through my laughter.

“I know,” she growls. “Grandpa showed me.” That makes everyone in the room laugh that much more.

“Did he tell you they tried the entire twelfth chapter? I bet it was dog-eared and highlighted, wasn’t it?” I sass, setting my purse down on the metal workstation that houses today’s lunch.

“He told Dean. And apparently went into so much detail that my husband had a nightmare last night. He dreamed about butter, Meghan, and had to eat his toast dry this morning.”

I can’t help it. I laugh. Hard.

“Clearly, I don’t need book help,” Lexi says, reaching for the slice of pizza that is sitting on a paper plate, which is balanced on her enormous belly. It’s not the first time I’ve wondered if my baby sister wasn’t carrying twins. Again.

“You could have written the book,” Jaime chimes in, rubbing her back and making her own basketball belly stick out that much more.

“The first chapter: My husband’s a hot, horny bastard that I want to have all the sex with all the time,” Lexi says between bites.

“He is pretty hot,” I tell her, which results in her waggling her eyebrows suggestively at me.

“Speaking of hot, why is it four hundred degrees in here?” Jaime asks, fanning herself with a paper plate.

“It’s a very comfortable seventy-two degrees, Jaime.”

“Hot. I have the air on already and the thermostat set to sixty-five.”

“Shut up, you do not,” Payton says, grabbing a slice of pizza.

“Hell yes, I do. It’s so hot. Ryan came to bed last night wearing socks, sweats, and a long-sleeved t-shirt.”

“Pour guy,” Abby says, sitting over by the cash register.

“Don’t feel sorry for him. He got me into this mess; he can deal with a little frostbite on his balls. And besides, he wasn’t complaining when I stripped him naked and climbed on top for a ride, which was wayyyyy longer than eight seconds,” Jaime announces just as a male customer walks through the door. He stops and looks at all of us, clearly considering making a break for it out the very door he just entered.

“Hi, sorry about that. I was just on lunch with my sisters. How can I help you?” Payton asks the gentleman who slowly approaches the counter.

“I need to grab some flowers for my wife.”

“Aww,” we all reply in a lovesick chorus.

“Yeah,” he replies as he looks around the counter. “It’s our second anniversary.”

“So sweet,” Jaime coos, her wide eyes and giddy smile focused on the customer.

“Are you looking to take something with you from the case or would you like a custom arrangement?” Payton asks.

“I’ll just grab something from the case. We’re meeting for lunch down the street in a few minutes.”

“Seriously, that’s the sweetest thing ever! See, some guys know chivalry isn’t dead!” Abby exclaims, her hands folded over her heart.

“Oh, knock it off. Levi dotes on your every breath. Besides, this guy knows that the quickest way to the sex is with flowers,” AJ replies, making the poor customer’s face turn beet red. “He shows up with flowers and they’ll be banging in the hallway before the front door is even closed.”

“Speaking from experience, again?” I tease AJ, all of us knowing full well that AJ and Sawyer get it on in random places throughout their house.

“Anyway, I’ll just take those dozen red roses over there,” he says, pulling his credit card from his wallet.
