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“I had to. If she found out I didn’t, she’d have my balls. I did tell her just to come by herself until we know more. Hopefully, that’ll save us all at the hospital from being taken over by your bossy family.”

I snort a laugh. “Doubtful.”

“A guy could hope,” he replies with a shrug.

As the ambulance starts to move, I close my eyes, replaying everything that happened tonight. I was scared that he was going to hurt me. The thought of what could have happened if Nick hadn’t happened upon it outside makes my blood run cold.

It definitely could have been a lot worse than a few scrapes and bumps.

But there was something more I saw in Nick’s eyes tonight.


It’s that look that will haunt me later as I try to drift off to sleep.

* * *

“You’re all set, Miss Summer,” the blonde nurse says, while stealing a few appreciative glances at the man who’s quietly hovering in the corner of the room.

“Any other instructions?” Abby asks the nurse before I have a chance. Though, if I’m being honest, I’m very thankful someone is here to ask questions and hopefully remember all of the details and instructions they’re sending me home with. I’ve talked to the police, though I have to stop by the station tomorrow, give my formal, written statement, and collect my belongings.

All I want to do is go to bed.

“No, she should be set. Just make sure to take it easy for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours and acetaminophen for any pain.”

“Thank you,” I say, already swinging my legs over the hospital bed, thankful that the blow to my head didn’t result in anything more than a slight concussion.

“She’ll take plenty of time off. She’s taking the rest of the week.”

I glance over at my boss with my mouth gaping open. He appears all casual, leaning against the wall with his arms and ankles crossed, but appearances can be deceiving. Anyone who really knows him can see the storm clouds brewing, which makes his hazel eyes appear much darker, giving off a shadowy, brooding vibe.

“What? I can’t take the rest of the week off. That’s three days!” I argue.

“You will. It’s not negotiable.”

“Who made you the boss of me?” I ask with venom, my green eyes turning to little laser beams, focused directly on their target.

“Actually, I am the boss.”

“Only while I’m in the office. Outside of the office, I’m the boss. Me.”

Nick takes a step forward, and another. He keeps moving until he’s standing directly in front of me, his hands now firmly on his hips. “You’re my friend, Meghan. First and foremost, before my employee, you’re my fucking friend. And tonight was my fault, so you’re taking the next three days off with pay, all right?”

I gape up at him. “You’re fault? How was this your fault? You didn’t arrange for that lunatic to jump me for the twenty-three dollars I had in my purse, did you?”

“Hell no, I didn’t. But if I had waited until you all left before making my phone call, you wouldn’t have been hurt. What do I always say? Safety in numbers, Meghan. It could have been Patty, or even Erika who was hurt…” His eyes transform right before my very own. They change from dark and stormy to a lighter shade of green. I can see all of his pain reflecting in them. “But it was you.” His words are almost inaudible.

Reaching out, I touch his jaw with my hand. I’m not sure what made me do it, but it seemed right. He’s upset and blaming himself for something that wasn’t his fault, and the only thing I want to do is wrap my arms around him and take away that pain and blame. If he’s shocked by my touch, he doesn’t show it. Instead, I swear I feel him tilt his head ever so slightly and lean into it.

“This was not your fault, Nick. Nothing about tonight was your doing.”

He opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him off. “No. You don’t get to take the blame away from where it should be placed. It belongs on the man who came out of nowhere and tried to steal my money. The man who pushed me against the car and probably would have done something far worse if not for my friend, Nick, who arrived at the right time and pulled some of his karate chopping kung fu shit out and took the jerk down.”

His eyebrow rises and he gives me a smirk. “Karate chopping shit? Haven’t I taught you anything?”

“This is so hot. I wish I had popcorn. Lexi is going to be so upset she missed it.” Glancing toward the voice, I find Abby completely entranced in our conversation, eavesdropping like the meddling pain in the ass she is. Grandma would be proud.

Dropping my hand like I was burned, I take a step back, putting much needed space between my boss and myself. The man I suddenly feel like hugging. And maybe rubbing my hands over those little bulges on his shoulders. It’s like his shoulders have shoulders. Hard, muscular, lickable shoulders.
