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“It’s a two-thousand fifteen Catalina that I got for a steal when the original owners went through a divorce. He wanted the boat more than he wanted anything else, and since it was in her name – she bought it as a gift for his fortieth birthday – she decided to sell it cheap just out of spite.”

“Wow, that’s…vengeful,” she replies between bites.

“It was originally named Stephanie, which turned out to not only be the wife’s name, but also his secretary’s name – total coincidence, so he says – and when I took possession, I knew I had to rename it.”

“You can just rename a boat?” she asks, totally enthralled with his story.

“Oh, sweet Meghan,” he starts, reaching over and taking her hand. The movement makes my blood start to boil. He notices right away, of course, and offers me a quick ‘fuck you’ wink. “The renaming of a boat isn’t to be taken lightly. The legend goes that the captain must consult Poseidon, as to not invoke his wrath. There’s a fancy and totally necessary ceremony that must commence in order to purge the old name from Poseidon’s memory before the new name can be made official.”

“That’s so cool,” she says, hanging on his every word.

“He had to chant some weird saying and fling champagne. I’m pretty sure it was just an excuse to drink,” I add.

“And drinking we did. I was able to unveil the new name as soon as the ceremony was complete.”

“That’s pretty radical. Why Runaround Sue?” she asks.

“Because it’s a reminder that not all women are the staying-type,” he replies with a smile, though I can see the painful memories brewing in his eyes. “Plus, it was the first song I heard once I signed the papers for my new boat. Let’s go swimming!” he adds with a blinding smile.

We spend the next three hours basking in the sun and enjoying the day. It feels completely natural to spend it with my best friend and my…other friend. Meghan appears relaxed and seems to enjoy her time on the boat. In fact, I’ve seen her smile more in the last few hours than I have in the last few months. I’ve even caught her checking out my bare chest a few times while we sunbathe.

“His ex was named Suzanne,” I confess quietly as we both sit on the deck. Meghan is reading a book, tanning her incredible body. “She cheated on him and broke his heart.”

She glances over at me, and even though I can’t see her eyes beneath her glasses, I can tell they’re full of sympathy. “Makes sense.”

“What does?” I ask, turning toward her and giving her my full attention. Rhenn is down below showering off the sea.

“Why he sleeps around so much. He’s protecting himself.”

I grin. “You’re very smart, Miss Meghan Summer.”

“Don’t I know it,” she sasses, setting her book on the table. I use the opportunity to talk with her a bit more about Wednesday.

“So, I have an idea.”

“What’s that?” she asks, leaning forward and giving me her full attention. My eyes drop down to her bikini. Thank fuck for sunglasses.

“I was hoping you’d swing by the dojo on Wednesday. I have a class that night, but wanted to show you a few things. Like self-defense things.”

She sits up tall in her seat. It’s the first time I really notice the markings on the side of her head from last Tuesday’s assault. The bump has gone down and the bruising is fading, but the memory of what happened is still fresh in my mind. “Well, I’m already taking a class Friday night with some of my sisters.”

“You are? Good. I’ll be there with Rhenn. I always help with his beginners’ self-defense class.”

“Do you think I should still come Wednesday?”

Yes. Not because you need more work, but because I want to spend time with you. Of course, I don’t say that aloud. Instead, I go with, “Wouldn’t hurt. I can show you a few things before Friday’s class. Then you’ll be ahead of the curve,” I reply lightly.

“Okay.” She doesn’t even hesitate. “But you’ll be gentle, right? I’ve never done this before.”

Okay, let’s hold up a moment. I know she means it lightly, and more importantly, is referring to the moves I’ll be teaching her, but my male brain runs right past all logic and lands firmly on inappropriate. My cock twitches in my swim trunks at the thought of showing her moves. And I’d definitely be gentle. Unless she didn’t want me to be.

Clearing my throat, I reply, “Absolutely. Just a few moves to help a woman protect herself if needed.”

“Then, yes. I’ll do it. What time?”

“My class is from six fifteen to seven fifteen. Anytime after that.”

“I’ll be there.”
