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When I moved back home to Jupiter Bay to work under Dr. Zastrow, it was with the option to buy the practice when he was ready to retire. That was three years ago. Last year, the good doctor decided to finally move away and relocate to Florida, where the golf courses were calling his name.

Meghan was a new hire straight out of college. She was young, energetic, and with a deep-rooted love for good oral health. She’s been here for six years now, and really has become a key part of the team. She makes my day a hell of a lot better, that’s for sure, and I’m not just talking about the hard work and dedication she has to her job.

“Time to stick out your tongue,” I instruct my former teacher as the gauze is placed in my hand. With a quick screening for oral cancer, I complete her appointment. “Everything looks great.”

“Everything feels great. I love it when Meghan cleans my teeth,” she says as I help her sit from the reclined position.

“She’s the best,” I agree, winking at Meghan, who glances up from her notes and gives me another smile. “Come on, Mrs. Huxley, I’ll walk you up to Patty. She’ll make your next appointment.”

I leave Meghan behind to get ready for the next patient, dreading the arrival of my ex. Why she hasn’t transferred to the other dental practice in town is beyond me. Probably so she can keep fucking with me, waving my damn cat (albeit former feline) in my face in her fucked-up game of tug of war.

I miss that damn cat.

“Here you are, Mrs. Huxley. Patty will get you set up with your next appointment. We’ll see you in six months,” I say politely, shaking my former teacher’s hand.

“You’re such a doll, Nick. When are you gonna settle down and give your mama grandkids?” she asks innocently.

As I’m getting ready to reply, movement behind her catches my attention, and I realize Collette is sitting in the waiting room. She surely heard the question, but I choose to ignore her. “I’m sure she’s very anxious. I just haven’t found the right woman yet,” I reply with a warm grin, feeling slightly vindicated that my ex heard me. Without waiting for her to reply, I wave my goodbyes and turn back the way I came.

“Nick, wait.” Stopping dead in my tracks, I slowly turn and face Collette. She’s quiet for a few moments, allowing her eyes to peruse my body, before returning them to my face. I get no satisfaction that she may have been checking me out. “How have you been?”

“Fine.” My one-word answer is curt, but to the point. I’m not about to elaborate on my life post break-up.

“Good, good,” she says, flashing her bright pearly-white smile and twisting her long blonde hair around her finger. “I was worried about you.”

Raising my eyebrow, I reply, “It’s been nine months, Collette.”

“I know, but it was devastating for you when we broke up.” Her voice rises slightly, taking on a whiny, singsong tone. Did I ever find that attractive before?

“I was devastated that you cleaned out my house while I was gone to work. And you took my fucking cat,” I reply, teetering on the verge of anger.

“We got Cosmo together!” she bellows, her own voice rising to meet mine.

Glancing around, I quickly notice both Patty and Mrs. Huxley are both watching the show. “I’m sure Meghan is ready for you. Come on back,” I say politely, even though I’d rather kick her spoiled, pampered ass out onto the sidewalk.

We’re both quiet as I lead her down the hall. As I step into the small room where my dental hygienist works, I catch Meghan’s attention. “Hey, how was–” she starts, but stops when Collette steps out from behind me.

“Hi, Meghan. How are things?” she asks as she deposits her purse on the chair in the corner.

“Things are…fine,” she stammers with a smile (a fake one that she flashes too damn much lately). She glances my way with a questioning look in her deep green eyes, before mouthing “what the fuck?” to me.

“Your four o’clock,” I say with a shrug, knowing Collette’s presence in the office is as annoying to Meghan as it is to me. Meg was definitely Team Nick when the break-up happened, even going as far as to help me pick out all new furniture for my house. You know, the furnishings my ex took with her when she left?

“Oh, goodie,” she mumbles as she reaches for her gloves. “Have a seat, Collette, and we’ll get started in a moment.” Meghan reaches for my arm, wrapping her firm little fingers around my forearm. “A word?” she whispers pleasantly.

Following her into the hallway, I’m rewarded with a big whiff of her summery scent as she steps close, practically against my side. “Am I going to get fired if I accidentally pull a tooth?” she whispers.

Chuckling, I match her stance, leaning down just enough that my mouth is dangerously close to her ear. “Never. I mean, accidents happen.”

“Good to know,” she says with a deep exhale as she stands to her full five-foot, six inch height. I know this because the top of her head hits directly below my chin.

“Just try not to make her bleed too much,” I add humorously.

“I make no promises,” she huffs. “I mean, if she accidentally bleeds out on the chair, then we can sneak over and get Cosmo.”

That makes me laugh. After Collette and I broke up and she moved from my house, it was the fact that she took Cosmo, claiming him to be hers, that pissed Meghan off the most. She knows damn well that I fed, watered, and changed the litter box of our two-year-old gray and white cat.

“Your vindictive side is inspiring, Megs. Call me when you’re ready for me,” I say as I turn to head toward my office.
