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Chapter Seventeen


He almost kissed me.

I almost kissed him.

But more importantly, I’m completely overwhelmed with disappointment that the moment was broken. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted him to kiss me until that teenager skated by and smarted off.

Now, the moment is broken, and I’m not too sure about the state of my ankle. It twisted in a funny direction the moment we went down, and the weight of the roller skates isn’t helping. But surprisingly, there’s no pain. In fact, I feel completely the opposite of pain when my body is entwined with his, even if we’re lying on the floor like a couple of rag dolls.

“I was trying to avoid this,” he mumbles, moving just a bit and getting his bearings.

“Avoid kissing me?” I tease, knowing full well that he was meaning the fall.

“What? No,” he insists, his eyes wide as he starts to stand up. “I meant I tried to spin you out so you didn’t crash into that guy.”

“I know,” I reply with a smile. Nick extends his hand down to me, ready to help me stand. My hand feels warm and tingly as I place it inside his, and all I really can think about is finishing that kiss – or starting the kiss.

“On that note, maybe we should leave the skating to the kids,” he says with a smile, watching as people whiz by us at a higher rate of speed.

“Probably. Though, I still stand by my comment that this was the best first date ever. I mean, skating, pizza…”

“Twisted ankles,” he contributes with a laugh.

Without hesitating, I move forward and wrap my arms around his waist. Resting my head against his shoulder, I can hear the beating of his heart vibrate through his body and smell the clean scent of his cologne. He smells so yummy. “Thank you,” I whisper, breathing him in.

Nick wraps his arms around my shoulders, our bodies pressed tightly together. In doing so, I can now feel something very hard and very large sandwiched between us. He’s either carrying a hammer in his pants or he’s a bit worked up. (Probably from when he was basically gripping my ass a few minutes ago.) The thought exhilarates me in a way I wasn’t prepared for. It’s that reminder that yes, I am a woman. One that is still desirable, if Nick’s reaction is any indication. “I can’t believe you’re thanking me,” he whispers. I can feel his breath on my head.

“Why wouldn’t I?” I ask, gazing up at him. “This was a great night.”

He smiles down at me, his hazel eyes turning a deeper shade of brown. “You’re right. It was a great night.”

Together, we skate off the floor to the bench where we have our shoes stashed. There’s a young couple, probably in their late teens, making out on one end. We sit down, careful not to disrupt the young lovebirds, and go about removing the skates. Every time I glance over at Nick, he’s looking at me, smiling as if he has a secret. I slip my wedge sandals onto my feet and dispose of the thin socks.

“Next time, we need to bring better socks,” I state, noticing a slight pink ring above my ankle where the skate rubbed against bare skin.

“Next time?” he asks, standing up in front of me after tossing his own disposable socks in the trash.

“Definitely. There should definitely be a next time.”

Nick wraps his arms around me in another hug. “Then there will definitely be a next time.” He places a kiss on my forehead and pulls me toward the door. “Come on,” he says, reaching down and taking my hand in his.

We walk out to his car, the gentle rustle of the breeze cooling my overly heated body. Yes, it was hot inside the rink, but that’s not the sole reason for my flushed state. I’m pretty sure my hot boss and what I felt pressed against my stomach a few minutes ago has a lot to do with my current condition.

He holds the passenger door open for me as I slide inside his vehicle. We’re both silent as he starts the car, but there’s no mistaking the third party riding alongside us: sexual tension. It’s been a long time since I felt this inundated, raw need rush my body, leaving me yearning for more.

It’s Nick. He makes me feel this way.

The ride back to Jupiter Bay passes just as quickly as the one to Cooper just a few short hours before. We talk about everything from favorite songs to movie remakes that we wished wouldn’t have been touched. It’s easy. Carefree. Comfortable.

But the moment his car pulls into my driveway, a weird sensation sweeps through me. Realization that our night is over settles in, leaving me a bit sad. I unbuckle my seat belt, but before I can open my door, he’s there, opening it for me. He rests his hand low on my back, and all I can think about is a sudden hope that he spins me around, pins me against the side of my house, and kisses me.

And I mean, kisses me. The kind that steals your breath and your sanity. That single amazing kiss that becomes branded in your brain. The one that you remember for the rest of your life.

Yes, I’ll never forget my first kiss with Josh. It was sweet and perfect.

But what I feel bubbling up inside of me is something completely different now. It’s the need to be taken, to be dominated. To let him take complete control over the kiss (and whatever may happen next). Am I ready for next? No. I already know that answer, but I’m getting there.
