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“You love me,” Nick replies.

“I’m going to think up every embarrassing thing I can and tell Meghan.”

Nick just shrugs his shoulders. “I’m going to grab a drink. You ready?” he asks me.

“Yep. Malibu and pineapple juice,” I tell him.

He turns to head up to the bar with Natalie and Stuart following behind. Most of the guys are standing up there, so I know it’ll be a bit before he returns with my drink.

“I have news. I found out one of the authors I edited for received a movie deal. She was asked to write the manuscript and asked me to look it over for any major edits. I get to go to New York right after the wedding and meet with her!” Abby exclaims, sharing her big news with our little group.

“Really? That’s amazing news! I’m so freaking excited for you,” I reply to my sister, giving her a big hug.

“Wait, you told them? I thought you weren’t going to tell them tonight,” Levi says, coming up behind Abby, wrapping his arms around her, and placing a kiss on her cheek.

The look of alarm that crosses Abby’s face tells me something is up. Something big. Something that has nothing to do with her upcoming trip to New York. “What are you talking about?” I ask Levi, whose face goes from wide smile elation to panic.

“What are you talking about?” he asks, Abby looking like she wants to melt into the floor.

“She was telling us about New York, but something tells me that’s not what you’re talking about. Spill,” Payton directs, her big sister voice stern and bossy.

“Not tonight, okay?” Abby asks quietly.

“What’s wrong with tonight? We’re celebrating my upcoming wedding to Sexy Sawyer Randall. I’m going to be Mrs. Sexy Ass Randall in a matter of weeks, Abs. Doesn’t that call for celebration?” AJ says, her eyes squinting a bit as she stares down Abby.

“Of course, it does. That’s all we need to focus on tonight,” Abby counters, practically begging for a subject change.

Payton is still staring at her. All I can do is sit back and watch, because with our oldest sister on the case, she won’t let it rest until she has sniffed out the answer. “Spill.”


“No?” Payton argues. “You can’t keep secrets from us.”

“Really? You’re going to call me out for keeping secrets when you’re the biggest secret keeper of us all?” Abby throws back in Payton’s face. The moment she does, two things happen. Abby instantly feels guilty, if the look on her face is any indication. And Payton looks like she stepped on a Lego. She goes from shock to anger to pain in a matter of seconds.

“Okay, what the hell is going on here?” I ask, turning to Payton for answers.

“See? It’s not so easy, is it?” Abby says to Payton, a smug look on her face.

“Someone just tell us what is going on. If you don’t I’m going to stand here all night, glaring at both of you, until you speak. And then I’m going to bitch because my feet are already killing me and my back hurts. I’ll end up having this baby in a bar, which is not anywhere close to my top ten destination places to have a baby, okay?” Jaime chimes in, rubbing her back.

“You’re having the baby?” I gasp.

“No, but I might if these two don’t stop keeping their secrets from us,” she counters.

“Fine!” Abby hollers, drawing all of our attention toward her. Levi grabs her hand and brings it to his lips in a show of love and support. We all collectively hold our breath and wait for her to speak.

“Oh, for Pete’s shakes, Abbers, just tell them that you’re engaged!” Grandma says from out of nowhere. Abby’s eyes are bigger than hubcaps as we all take a second to register the news.

“You’re engaged?” I ask, my face breaking out into a huge grin.

“Yeah,” she mumbles.

“Oh my God!” Jaime exclaims, grabbing our baby sister and pulling her into a hug.

“Congratulations!” AJ screams, jumping up and down and drawing Sawyer’s attention.

“What’s going on?” he asks, coming over to our group.
