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“I was not…crouching, I was…inspecting. Did you know Devin Montgomery has developed into a fine specimen of man-being?” Grandma says, her eyes lighting up with delight. “I thought about setting him up with Meggy Pie, but seeing that she can’t keep her eyes off the dentist all night, I decided to just let their sexual attraction play out. I wish I had popcorn. This one is proving to be way more exciting,” she says, and all eyes fall on me. And Nick, who clears his throat behind me.

“Anyway, so congratulations to you all,” I say quickly, trying to (unsuccessfully) draw the attention away from me.

“Can I just say that I’m very proud and happy to be your dad?” My dad stands off to the side, a wide smile on his face. “Weddings and grandbabies, my heart is overflowing.” His eyes fill with unshed tears. “I wish your mother could be here to join in the celebration. She truly would have been on cloud nine tonight. And even though the Summer name is slowly dying one by one, I’ve never been more honored to be a Summer as I am now.”

My eyes fill with tears, not only at his touching words, but also at the fact that our last name is slowly disappearing. After Abby and Levi get married, I’ll be the final Summer. For years I thought I’d be a Harrison by now, but sometimes fate doesn’t work out the way you plan. Fate is a cruel bitch, isn’t she? She sneaks in when you least expect it and robs you blind, stripping away your hopes and dreams and forcing you to rebuild from the ground up.

Nick grips my hip, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. It’s as if he always knows when I need a friend the most, and he never disappoints at offering me a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold. He stands close enough now that I can feel his body heat against my back. Maybe it’s the bit of alcohol I’ve consumed, or maybe the fact that I feel connected to him in a way I haven’t felt in so very long, but I wouldn’t mind if I felt that heat…everywhere.

Preferably without clothes.

While his hard body is pressing me into the mattress.

Is it hot in here?

“I don’t want to take any of the credit here, but I’m pretty sure it was the book that ensured proper egg fertilization,” Grandma says loudly, pulling me away from my despondent thoughts.

“Are you really going to try to take credit for our baby?” Payton asks, her mouth gaping open.

“Well, I’m not saying I was there, watching in the corner and whispering words of encouragement, but I did buy the book, you know. And I know you tried chapter seven.”

“We did n-” Payton starts.

“Chapter seven wasn’t nearly as good as chapter ten,” Dean interrupts with a shrug and a wink aimed directly at the elderly woman in the group.

“Oh, don’t I know it,” she replies with her own wink and smile. “Let’s celebrate! Oh, I wish I had something sweet,” Grandma adds, glancing around as if on the hunt for something to satisfy her sweet tooth.

“I had brownies,” Grandpa says, turning and glaring at Linkin.

“What’s that look for?” I whisper to Nick, who snickers behind me.

“I’ll tell you later.”

* * *

When the party winds down and everyone is heading out, I gravitate toward the man over with my dad. I’ve found them together, quietly talking a few times since their arrival at Lucky’s, which makes me both nervous and happy. What could they possibly be talking about?

Reaching the duo, I offer a smile as all talking halts. “What are you two talking about?”

“The weather,” Dad replies with a grin. “I’m going to take Sawyer and AJ home. Are you guys okay?”

“We’re good,” Nick answers. “I stopped drinking a while ago. I’ll make sure Meghan gets home safely.” The way he says it warms my blood and causes dirty images to parade through my mind.

“Good,” Dad replies, slapping Nick on the back. “Good to see you again, Nick.” Then he steps forward and kisses me on the cheek. “Love you, Meg.”

“Love you, Dad.”

When he collects the future Mr. and Mrs. and escorts them to the front door, Nick steps closer, his hand touching the small of my back. His fingers dip low, grazing over my ass and lighting a fire deep in my belly. Yearning starts to spread through my body, and I know I’m ready to see what happens tonight.

I already know what I hope happens tonight.


“Ready,” I answer as he leads me out the front door. “Do you have your car?”

“No, I had planned to drive you home in yours.”

“Then how will you get home?” I ask when we reach my car. I turn to face him, leaning back against the passenger door.
