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Chapter Twenty-Two


“So neither of them get the name Henry?” I ask sleepily, smiling into the phone in my hand.

“Nope! Isn’t that hilarious? They’ve been arguing for months about who gets to name their son Henry, and they both had girls!” Considering it’s about two in the morning, she sounds like she’s wired to stay up all night long.

At seven o’clock last night, she sent me home to get a bit of my Sunday chores done. Even though I was perfectly content sitting in that waiting room with Meghan and her family, I conceded since my pile of laundry was overflowing and my dirty dishes were ready for the washer. So, I spent the evening catching up on my chores and wishing I were at the hospital with everyone else. That feeling of longing to be with her got worse as darkness fell and I was off to bed.


“Everyone is doing fine?” I ask with a yawn.

“They’re all perfect. Lexi had Stella right after you left, after only an hour of pushing, while Jaime just delivered little Amelia almost an hour ago. Everyone is completely over the moon for these two babies, including their daddies. Ryan won’t let anyone else hold her yet, and when I left, Linkin was curled up to Lexi’s side in the hospital bed while she fed the baby. Grandma tried to worm her way into Jaime’s room for the delivery, but was pushed out. No one wants an eighty-two-year-old woman looking on while you’re trying to push a watermelon out of a grapefruit.”

I can’t help it; I cringe. “I’m glad everyone is doing well,” I tell her. After a few passing seconds, I add, “I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” Her confession puts a smile on my face.

“My bed is lonely tonight.”

“Mine too. If it wasn’t so late, I’d come over.”

“Your car is still here,” I remind her.

“Oh yeah. That’ll make getting to work difficult,” she says with a loud yawn.

“I’ll come get you. I’ll even bring fancy coffee.”

“That would be amazing. I can’t believe I have to get up in like four hours. I’m not even tired,” she says with another yawn.

“That’s the adrenaline, but I think it’s starting to wear off.”

“It is,” she concedes. “I’m suddenly really tired.”

“I’ll let you go to sleep, honey. I’ll be there at seven thirty, okay?”

“Thank you,” she says softly, the sound going straight to my cock. Not good, considering I’m home alone tonight.

“Good night, Meggy Pie.”

“Good night, Nicholas Adams, D.D.S.”

I hang up, chuckling, and set my phone down on the nightstand. I reach for the pillow, and I’m not talking about mine. I’m referring to the one that cradled Meghan’s head just twenty-four short hours ago. Like a weirdo, I inhale, the scent of her shampoo filling my senses and not helping my hard-on any.

It’s definitely going to be a long five hours until I see her again.

* * *

“I have a surprise for you,” I tell Meghan as I enter her room.

“A surprise?” she asks, turning and offering me a full-watt smile.

Meghan is wrapping up her day, even though it’s only one o’clock. Since Tuesdays are our late appointments nights, we try not to schedule many afternoon appointments on Mondays, except post-weekend emergencies. Today we are lucky and our last patient was at noon. Patty and Erika left a few minutes ago, which means it’s just me and my dental hygienist left in the empty building.


And to say I’m craving her is an understatement.
