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Chapter Twenty-Five


The summer begins to fly by. We visit the beach, which happens to be one of our favorite hangouts, for sunset dinners and walks on the sandy shore. He holds my hand and alternates between kisses on my knuckles and those on my temple. (Those are my favorite.) It’s been perfect. Spending my time with Nick has been perfect. We alternate time between his place and mine, and often travel to work together. If anyone at the office notices, they don’t say. We don’t flaunt our relationship, but we’re not exactly hiding it either. Why would I want to hide him? He’s caring, generous, and pretty damn good with the sex.

That makes me giggle.

“What are you laughing at?” Lexi asks from across the altar. We’re decorating the church for AJ and Sawyer’s wedding tomorrow afternoon.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply to my youngest sister.

“Whatevs. You have that pleasantly sexed glaze in your eyes,” she sasses with a big grin.

“Let me see. I know all of the just-had-sex signs,” Grandma says, pushing her way to where I stand. She looks me over from head to toe before declaring, “Yep. She just had the sex.”

“Knock it off,” I chastise, rolling my eyes.

“No, I totally see it. You’re practically glowing!” Grandma exclaims.

“First off, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to talk about the sex while standing in a church, and second, I’m not glowing. I’m sweating. AJ picked the hottest freaking month of the year to get married, Grandma.”

“That’s because my groom is smokin’,” AJ replies with a grin.

“I don’t see how that has anything to do with the fact that I’m going to have swoob marks on my dress during your wedding photos,” Jaime replies, pointing to her enormous boobs.

“Those puppies practically need license plates, Jaimers. They’re as big as Buicks,” Payton teases as she hangs floral pieces from the pews.

“Right? And Ryan can’t keep his hands off them! But I think they’re annoying. They’re either leaking milk all the time or gathering boob sweat underneath,” Jaime grumbles.

“We all have boob sweat, Jaime,” Lexi counters.

“Yes, but your boobs barely grew with this baby. Mine went up two bra sizes. Two!” she exclaims loudly. “And my husband is constantly horny and grabbing them!”

Suddenly, a throat clears behind us. We all turn to see the red-faced pastor of the church looking down at the ground. “Well, I was just checking in on you. It looks like you’re doing well with the decorating. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be hiding – I mean working in my office,” he says hurriedly before turning and practically sprinting from the sanctuary.

“Way to go, Jaime. You scared away my pastor with your huge boobs,” AJ rebukes.

“See? Even a straight man of the cloth is afraid,” Jaime whines.

“But not Ryan. He thinks you’re sexy,” Abby reminds her, helping Payton hang the last of the silk flowers.

“That’s because he hasn’t had sex in almost six weeks,” Jaime says.

“You’re waiting? Like the full six weeks?” Lexi asks, her eyes wide.

“Hell yes, I am. I don’t want to get knocked up like you did!”

Lexi narrows her eyes at our sister. “We’re using condoms this time.”

“So you’re not waiting the six weeks?” Jaime asks, dumbfounded by this revelation.

“Hell no. Have you seen how sexy my husband is, Jaime? I can barely wait two weeks, let alone six,” Lexi replies with a wicked grin.

“You dirty slut,” Payton adds, shaking her head.

“Yep,” Lexi says before busting out laughing.

Jaime still stands there, her beautiful daughter sleeping in the carrier next to her. “I’m having sex. Weddings make everyone horny. He’s so getting some tomorrow night,” Jaime says, glancing down at Amelia. “You’re going to have to be extra good tomorrow night, Princess. Mommy and Daddy need to spend about thirty minutes alone.”
