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“He has six amazing, supportive daughters, who only want the best for him. He knows that. Your dad has put you all first since your mom got sick and passed, but now it’s his time,” Grandma says, wrapping her arms around us all.

“It is,” Payton adds. “And I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Me either.” And I didn’t realize how much I want to meet her until this moment. Until I’ve talked to my sisters, and know that my grandparents have met and like her. Now, I’m ready.

* * *

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Sawyer says, standing in front of the room, his future wife by his side, wearing a short white dress and a big smile. I can’t help but grin at the picture of perfection they make as a couple, and in less than twenty-four hours, will make as man and wife.

“AJ and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for coming this evening. Both of our families, many of which traveled quite a ways to be with us this weekend. My former teammates, who’ll be heading out early Sunday morning to catch up with the team for a Sunday night game. Her sisters who spent the day decorating the church and reception hall for tomorrow’s wedding.”

He glances down at my sister with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. “The night I met this beautiful woman was the night my life changed forever. And I’m not just talking about the fact she vomited on my shoes,” Sawyer says, making the room fill with laughter. “I was hooked on her smile, on her grace, on her sass, and her beautiful heart. I’m a better man just by knowing her and hope to be the best husband and provider for her and someday our eventual family.” He turns to face her, my sister’s eyes filling with tears. “Thank you for making me the happiest bastard on the planet tonight. Thank you for loving me and walking through this life by my side. I love you, Alison Jane,” he whispers moments before she throws herself into his arms and kisses him soundly on the lips.

The entire room erupts into applause. I clap from my seat, dropping my head onto Nick’s shoulder. He’s wearing a pair of black Dockers with a sage green button-down shirt and black tie. His sleeves are rolled up to his forearms, in that sexy way that men do. Every time I glance his way, I practically drool on my chin just taking in his gorgeous appearance tonight.

And don’t get me started on tomorrow. He’s wearing a suit, which is basically the equivalent to catnip for women.

My body is already on fire at the thought.

We just finished eating, which was a delicious surf and turf dinner. Sawyer’s family tried to take care of dinner tonight, but Sawyer wouldn’t have it. AJ told us that they paid for the rehearsal dinner at his first wedding, which is tradition, and he refused to let them foot the bill the second time around. AJ and Sawyer picked The Seaside Restaurant for tonight’s festivities, and had rented out the entire upper deck, which sports an amazing view of the Bay.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here,” Nick says, glancing around at the lanterns hanging from the deck and the pergola-style overhang.

“Me either,” I reply, following his gaze and finding AJ and Sawyer dancing under the lights on the far end of the deck. He holds her possessively and protectively against his large frame, slipping his fingers into the long waves of her hair.

Not too far away, Dean holds Bri in his arm and wraps the other around Payton, where it comes to rest on her belly. She looks up at him and gives him a blinding smile that could probably be visible from space. Payton reaches down and links her fingers in Dean’s, covering her lower abdomen. Brielle laughs at something her dad says before dropping her hand down and placing it on top of theirs on Payton’s belly.

Lexi holds baby Stella, while Linkin has a twin in each arm. He bends down and kisses his five-week-old daughter on the top of her head before offering his lips to his wife. She smiles against his, mumbling something that’s probably dirty. He laughs, offers her a wink, and goes back to playing with Hudson and Hemi. Yet, he never leaves Lexi’s side.

Levi pulls Abby into his arms and twirls her around on the dance floor. Her laughter filters above the conversations around us as she wraps her arms around his neck, her feet lifting off the ground. Levi pulls her close and they gently sway to the beat of the song. When I see his lips moving near her ear, I know he’s singing to her. The smile on her face is her tell.

Ryan sits at the table across from us, holding baby Amelia. He has one hand on her tiny back and the other propping up her butt. She’s out – mouth hanging open and sawing logs. Jaime sits beside them, one hand on Ryan’s forearm and the other running soft circles over the top of their daughter’s head. She gazes into Ryan’s eyes, their entire world wrapped up in each other and their child.

I don’t even realize I’m crying until Nick swipes a tear from my cheek. The pad of his thumb is warm against my skin, and I find myself leaning into his touch just a little bit more.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go for a walk,” he says, standing up and offering me his hand. I take it without hesitation, and together, we head toward the beach.
