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Again, with a bit of hip action, I reply, “I do.”

“Okay,” she whispers, turning and looking at me over her shoulder. My heart practically pounds out of my chest as I gaze down at this incredible, beautiful woman. My wife. The very reason I was put on this earth.

And hopefully soon, mother of my child.

“I really want to have a baby with you,” I confess, swiping the dark brown strand of hair from her forehead.

“I really want that too,” she says, a gorgeous little smile gracing her plump lips.

Lips that I must claim, right now.

My own mouth is urgent, my tongue sweeping in, possessively. I need to feel her skin completely against mine, and it only takes me a second to move both her and myself until she’s underneath me. Her legs instantly wrap around my hips and my cock finds its happy place once more. She threads her arms around my back, holding on tight, as my mouth takes control of hers. My tongue mimics each thrust of my cock, taking us both higher and higher toward another release.

We’re both loud as we let go, coming fiercely and shuddering against each other, skin on skin.

“I love you,” she whispers, making my heart sing in my chest.

“I love you more, Abby. And I really do want to start the next phase of our life together.”

She smiles up at me, that earth-shaking, heart-pounding kinda smile that I fell so deeply in love with. “Me too.”

Abby curls against my body, both of us sweaty and completely sated. As we relax together, I start to hum the sweet melody to our song – the one I’ve always sang just for her. “Angel Eyes” by Jeff Healey will forever be our anthem, from our decade-plus long friendship to the love and life we now share together. I feel her smile against my arm, and I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’ve fucked up a lot of shit in my life, but with Abby, I finally got it right.

She’s my song.

I know the minute she falls back asleep. Not only does her entire body relax against me, but the cutest little snore fills our bedroom. Glancing at the clock, I decide to let her snooze for a little longer before waking her. We have a bit of time before she has to meet her sisters at the salon and me, the guys at Lucky’s. It’s a tradition we started a few years back when Ryan and Jaime got married. We’ll meet up at the old bar, have some greasy burgers and fries, and play a few games of pool. It’s a great way to relax before we have to don our monkey suits and smile for the camera.

As I hold my wife in my arms, I can’t help but wonder if maybe we’ve created a life. No, I know it’s probably not likely, considering she hasn’t even stopped taking her birth control yet, but a man can hope, ya know? It amazes me how excited I really am now that we’ve made the decision. I want to have a baby with Abby. I want to watch her grow big and round. I want to see the moment that life comes screaming into this world. But mostly, I want to experience her as a mother. She’ll be fucking fantastic, that I’m sure. Just watching her with all of her nieces and nephews is enough of a confirmation, but to watch her hold our baby? That’s something in itself.

I continue to hold her tight, my thoughts drifting to today’s wedding. I’m so damn happy that Meghan and Nick are finally getting married. It’s been a long road, especially for Abby’s sister. I remember that night well. The night her life came crashing down around her. Every time I think about something like this happening again, my gut burns with anxiety.

If something happened to my Abby, I’d be lost. I’d never be the same. But my biggest fear is something happening to me, and Abby being left behind to pick up the pieces. It almost happened once, years ago, when I responded to a fire that just so happened to be right next to Payton’s business. I fell through the flooring with a fellow firefighter, becoming trapped in the basement. It was the longest thirty minutes of my life, while we waited for help to arrive, and the entire time, I thought about her.

I prayed that God not take me away from Abby because I wasn’t done yet. I wasn’t done loving her.

Now, every time I respond to a fire, it’s there – in the back of my mind. I do everything I can to ensure I return home to the woman I love at the end of my shift, because the thought of leaving her behind to live the way Meghan did for two long years makes me sick to my stomach. There’s too much light in her eyes to ever see it dimmed.

Meghan is okay, and today she’s marrying the man who she’ll spend the rest of her life with. That makes me happy, because even after she walked through so much darkness, she’s finally standing on the other side, surrounded by light. And Nick is fucking awesome. He fits into this crazy-ass family well.

Even though I’m not ready, I gently pull my arms from beneath my sleeping wife. After a quick stop in the bathroom to take a leak and throw on a pair of basketball shorts, I’m immediately greeted in the hallway by Riggs, our energetic German Shepherd. He’s dancing around in the hall, half with excitement to see me and the other half with the need to pee, and he’s hot on my heels as I make my way to the kitchen to start the coffee. Nothing beats the smell of percolating coffee.

Well, maybe Abby…

I check my phone and find a text from Sawyer.

Sawyer: He woke up two minutes after we got home. Thanks for the sleeping vibes, but that shit didn’t work. You need to work on your voodoo powers because they suck.

I snort a laugh, recalling how I told him some bullshit last night about sending positive vibes or juju or whatever so that Nolan would sleep a bit when they got home. The man is dying for a little alone time with his wife, if you know what I mean. With a new baby, and the fact that he won’t sleep when most of the rest of the East Coast is out, makes getting busy with your wife a difficult task.

Me: Sorry, dude, I tried. Maybe try Benadryl? Linkin is always threatening his twin brothers with that shit when they won’t calm down. *insert smirk emoji*

I hit reply, snickering to myself as I pour my first cup of coffee of the morning. No, Linkin has never actually given his brothers Benadryl, but I know he’s been frustrated enough to threaten it.

Sawyer: Don’t think I haven’t thought about it. He’s too young, though. Last night, I turned on Sports Center and we watched baseball highlights for an hour while AJ slept.

Me: At least one of you caught a bit of shut-eye.

Sawyer: Yeah, until I had to wake her up to feed him. The moment I saw him latch on to her tit, I had to excuse myself before I actually became jealous of my three-month-old.
