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Chapter Ten


“Five bucks says Mommy lies down and falls asleep, Nolan,” I say to my baby boy as I strap him in his carrier. He stares up at me, his eyes wide with excitement, as he babbles his reply to our little conversation.

Linkin comes down the stairs, a boy in each arm. I glance his way, my eyebrows shooting to the ceiling. “Mommy was starting to get stressed out, so the boys are with me,” he just confirms what I already suspected.

I make a stop in the kitchen and grab an emergency bottle and formula. I just gotta be careful not to get him too messy right before this wedding, or Mama’s gonna be pissed when we get back. Last time I had him solo, I was cleaning dried breast milk and cereal out of his ears for two days.

“Are we ready?” Dean asks when he comes into the living room, his son Noah in his arms.

“We?” I ask, laughing at this turn of events.

“We. Payton can’t chase this little one while she’s taking pictures, so I’m taking him back to Linkin’s place with me. I see I’m not the only one,” he says as I pick up our diaper bag and the carrier.

“Nope. Looks like we’re all taking a turn,” I say as I reach the front door. “You wanna just ride with me?” I ask Dean. I’d offer Linkin, but I don’t have enough room for his crew.

“Sure. Let me grab the bag and car seat,” he says.

“You guys are still here?” Lexi asks, walking down the stairs with Stella in her arms and her twin sister at her side.

“Heading out now, babe,” Linkin answers. “See you in a bit.” He kisses his wife soundly on the lips before heading out, his twin boys in his arms.

“The others already take off?” Abby asks, glancing around the room for her husband.

“Yeah, he left with Ryan a few minutes ago,” Dean answers just as his wife comes down the stairs.

It’s the first time I really notice their dresses. They’re long and a shade of purple that looks almost gray in the sunlight. I can’t wait to see my wife in hers, though I know she’ll be the most stunning woman in the world. Frankly, if I’m being honest, I’m more excited to get her out if it later tonight when we can be alone.

“Is the photographer here? How tight are his pants?” Emma says as she descends the stairs in grand fashion, wearing a light green dress and a wide smile.

“Woman, don’t embarrass us,” Lexi chastises her elderly grandma.

“Don’t sass me, Alexis Renee. When you get to be my age, it’s perfectly acceptable to gape at butts,” Emma argues.

“Yes, but gaping and grabbing are two totally different things,” Abby chimes in.

“Only on the police report, Abs,” Emma replies with an ornery grin.

“Good luck with the pictures,” I holler to my wife’s sisters as I head out the door, Dean and Noah hot on our heels.

It’s not a long trip to Linkin and Lexi’s place, and Nolan remains awake for the entire ride. He’s not used to having entertainment in the form of his cousin sitting next to him, and each time I glance back, I find him completely enthralled with Noah’s chatter.

Inside, the house is bursting at the seams. Besides Nick, his dad, brother-in-law, and friend, Rhenn, are there. Throw in Brian, Ryan, Linkin, Dean, Levi, Orval, me, and four little boys, there’s definitely some noise in this place. Everyone tries to talk over the person next to them, and the kids start to drag all of the toys out of the playroom and into the main living room. And Nolan? He just takes it all in.

“Hey, buddy,” Brian says to Nolan as he comes over to where I stand.

“I’m hoping maybe he’ll stay awake a bit so he sleeps tonight for you,” I tell my father-in-law honestly.

“Ehh, I’m not worried. If he keeps us up all night, so be it,” he replies, taking my son from my arms.

“You say that now, but at three a.m. you may be singing a different tune and calling us to come get him.”

“Nah, we’ll be fine. Besides, it’s one night for us, and one night of sleep for you guys. I remember what it was like to have one that didn’t like to sleep at night,” he says, tucking his youngest grandson against his chest like a pro.

“Which one?” I ask.

“Do you really need to ask? Where do you think this guy gets it?” Brian says, gazing down at Nolan with a fond smile on his lips.

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