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“I’ll admit, I’m really looking forward to catching a bit of sleep tonight,” I confess, feeling slightly guilty for saying it aloud.

“Don’t be. You’re not the first parent in the world willing to trade a kidney for a little shut-eye,” he says with a smile.

“Probably not, but I still feel bad pawning him off on you guys before he’s sleeping well.”

“You didn’t pawn him off on us, we offered to take him. And we’re happy to do it.”

“You and Cindy are a lifesaver,” I tell him, and before I can stop myself, I add, “And I’m really looking forward to a little uninterrupted alone time with my wife.”

Brian glances at me, his face completely void of emotion. “I’m glad, though if you keep those details to yourself, I’m sure we’ll all be better off.” I can’t help but smile at his slightly uncomfortable face.

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” I reply with a slight chuckle. The things I want to do to his daughter…

We spend the next hour laughing and enjoying a bit of food. Not that any of us are hungry – not after the big burgers and fries we all consumed at Lucky’s. I think we’re all just anxious for the wedding and doing whatever to keep our hands busy. And later, I can keep my hands busy with my wife…

“How is the school year wrapping up?” Rhenn asks casually, a beer in his hand.

“Good. The baseball team did well,” I tell him, recalling how we went to the county tournament and made it to the championship game. We lost, but the guys played their hearts out. I’m definitely proud of the season we had.

“I heard. One of my karate students is on the team. He’s always telling me about the games and his awesome coach who used to play in the olden days,” Rhenn says, his eyes lighting up with laughter.

“Olden days? Ouch,” I reply with a laugh. “It’s funny they all recall that I’m a former pro player, but since it happened when they were still in elementary school, it was a lifetime ago to them.”

“Only a few years, man, but you better get used to it. I’m approaching mid-thirties, but in their eyes, I was one of the survivors on the Titanic,” Rhenn says, shaking his head.

We visit for a bit longer, and I’ve discovered that Nick’s best friend and I actually have a lot in common. He’s an electrician by day, and spends his nights at his dojo uptown teaching karate and self-defense classes. His last classes were this past week, so he’ll have the summer off to hang out and sail.

“Anytime you want to go out on the boat, just let me know. We could do a guys trip later in the summer,” Rhenn offers.

“That sounds great,” I tell him, though part of me wants to include my wife. Guys trips are nice and all, but I actually prefer the company of the woman with my last name as opposed to a room full of guys. I did enough of that shit when I was playing ball. Plus, with this group, we all have it bad enough that all we do is sit around and talk about our wives anyway.

“Guys, it’s time to start getting ready,” Dean announces, his son in his arms. We all glance over to find Nick practically jumping up out of the chair and make a beeline to the room where his suit awaits.

The rest of us decide to take turns getting dressed, so we have a little help with the extra humans we’ve acquired this afternoon. I’m grateful Nolan is still awake. Maybe he’ll nap during the wedding and not give me fits. He might even take just a short nap and be awake for the reception. Then, fingers crossed that he sleeps well for his grandpa later tonight.

Just as I’m ready to take a seat and wait for my cue to throw on my suit, my phone dings a message. I grab it quickly, surprised to see Lexi’s name instead of my wife’s. When I open the notification, a picture pops up, and I instantly start laughing. There’s my wife, wearing the same shirt and stretch pants as earlier, her long hair pinned up on the sides, yet cascading down the long column of her slender neck, and sitting in the rocking chair in Nolan’s room. She looks amazing, gorgeous, and frankly, just as stunning as the night I met her. She’s always been the only woman to completely steal my breath and my sanity, all at the same time. My cock actually starts to perk up a bit, as images of our pending night alone start to play through my mind.

She’s also very much asleep…
