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“Don’t. I want to taste you,” I instruct without removing him from my mouth. I’m not sure if he actually understood what I said, but when his eyes flare with fire and his shaft jerks in my hand, I’m pretty sure he got the gist.

I suck hard, taking him as far in my throat as I can, making my eyes water, but I don’t stop. I stroke his balls with my free hand, feeling them tighten, until he gives me the signal. “Coming,” he tries to warn me, giving me one last opportunity to remove my mouth.

But I don’t.

His release is warm and thick as he empties everything he has into my throat. Rhenn is making noise, moaning with each thrust of his hips, but I don’t think he cares. I don’t think he even knows. When his body finally stills and he falls limp against the futon, I finally release him from my mouth, savoring the last taste of him on my lips.

“You okay there, champ?” I ask, taking one last swipe of his shaft with my tongue and making him shiver. I can’t believe he’s still rock-hard. My previous boyfriend was more like a bottle rocket. Shot up hard, exploded quickly, and fell just as fast with little to no fanfare.

“I can’t open my eyes. I’m not sure I’m even breathing right now. Am I breathing?” he pants, one hand draped across his chest and the other thrown over his forehead.

“I believe talking is a good sign of breathing,” I tease him, snuggling into his warm body.

Rhenn moves his arm until it’s under my neck and pulls me close. “That was pretty amazing.”

I feel the blush and am grateful it’s dark in the cabin. What am I supposed to say? Thank you very much? Your cock makes it easy because it’s as yummy as an ice cream cone on a hot summer day? Yeah, I should probably not say any of that.

Even if it’s true.

“Turn on your side,” he instructs softly, gently moving me until I’m facing away from his body. One arm under my head and one thrown over my waist, he settles in behind me, his body pressed against mine. I hear him inhale as he nuzzles his nose in my hair, and feel his arm start to get heavy as he relaxes. “I like to spoon with you.”

My throat feels thick and it’s hard to breathe, but I find the strength to answer him honestly. “I like to spoon with you too.”

And I do.

Maybe a little too much.

* * *

It’s warm. Very, very warm.

It’s not the blanket tangled around my legs so much as the man draped around me like a mink coat. We’re in the same position we fell asleep in last night, proof neither of us moved after we fell asleep, post-orgasm. It’s been a while since I’ve had my world rocked so hard that I basically became unconscious, only to wake up eight hours later, completely refreshed and ready for the day.

Okay, so maybe I’ve never actually had that happen. Not in real life. I’ve heard about it– mostly from my sister – but never actually experienced that complete nirvana, the mindless slumber that can only be induced by amazing orgasms.

I feel eyes on me, but they’re not Rhenn’s. He’s still lightly snoring behind me, holding me tightly against his body as if I might somehow try to slip away. Holding completely still, pretending to sleep, I hear a muffled voice, followed by giggling and what sounds like a slap on the butt. Obviously Meghan and Nick are awake. I notice immediately when Rhenn starts to stir. Actually, I feel the moment he starts to wake. Remember that hammer from last night? It’s fully hard and ready for action. Seriously, this man has some impressive morning wood, and even though it’s not the first time I’ve felt it pressed against me, it’s the first time I’ve felt it post-blowjob, and well, I suddenly wouldn’t mind another round of bedroom hammer throwing.

Nick and Meghan move on to the kitchen, the smell of coffee percolating filling the entire cabin. “You awake?” I ask, wiggling my butt against his crotch.

Rhenn tenses and groans in my ear. “Stop that, Angel, or I’m going to be forced to do something about it.”

“That doesn’t sound like much of a threat,” I tease. Who is this bold vixen and what has she done with shy Marissa Grayson?

“It’s more of a promise,” he says, pulling me close and kissing my jaw. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like the dead,” I confirm, reveling in the feel of his arms wrapped around me.

“Me too. I can’t believe I slept until,” he starts, lifting his wrist and glancing at his watch, “seven forty-five. I never sleep in that late. I’m usually up with the sun and getting in my morning workout.”

“Me too. Well, minus the workout. I’m usually up at five so I can start preparing breakfast.”

I should get up and move, definitely get up to pee, but I find myself snuggling in deeper into his embrace. “I have an idea,” he whispers, running his nose along the shell of my ear.

“I’m listening.”

“Stay with me tonight.”

I suck in a breath, but not because I’m shocked or afraid. Because I’m excited. Because I know what will come of me staying another night on the boat with Rhenn. This time without my cousin and her husband on board.
