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Just us.


“We can go to town and have dinner, if that works for you. Then, we’ll come back to my boat. I promise to get you back to the house before the contractors and your mom show up in the morning.”

Oh God, my mom. It would be bad enough to do the walk of shame with a half-dozen construction workers running around, but my mom? Total mortification. She always comes and has coffee with me when she arrives at the house. Could you imagine if she showed up at my cottage and I wasn’t there? And then when I do show up, I have bedhead and look like I was ravished all night long? Try explaining that.

“I like that idea,” I tell him, running my fingers along his forearm.

“Yeah?” he asks, leaning up so that he can see my face, which of course, blushes.


Rhenn bends down and kisses my cheek before sliding out of the bed. He carefully heads to the bathroom, watchful not to flash his tented pants to the others lurking in the galley. I risk a glance their way, my eyes immediately connecting with Meghan. She raises an eyebrow and gives me that questioning look. I shrug my shoulders, which earns a smile and a wink in return. She knows, but I’m grateful she chooses to not vocalize her discovery.

I sit up, wrapping the blanket around my legs since I’m wearing only a T-shirt, and head into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. “That looked cozy,” she mumbles, handing me an empty mug.

“He had nowhere else to sleep. He was too big for the chair,” I reason, knowing it was so much more than that.

“So you just happened to make a spot for him in your bed?” she asks over the rim of her mug. I don’t have an answer for her, so I just shrug. “Just be careful, sweetie. He’s a great guy, but not one for sticking around too long.” Her eyes are sober and honest, and her confirmation of what I already know just makes my throat tighten a bit more.

“I know. He’s gone in two weeks.”

“And you’re okay with that?” she asks quietly, trying not to draw the attention of her husband, who is throwing a few eggs on the griddle.

“I am,” I reply with resolve, throwing in a decisive head nod to confirm. “I know what I’m getting myself into.”

She watches me for just a moment, before answering. “Good,” she says with a smile. “Now, we have a few hours of sun and sailing left before we have to head home and back to our everyday lives, so how about we let the men cook up breakfast and we head up to see if we can spy dolphins,” she adds loudly.

“I’ll use the restroom and meet you on deck.”

* * *

The rest of the day flies by. We sail for a few hours, enjoy lunch on deck under the gorgeous sun, and finally make it back to my place around three in the afternoon. Meghan and Nick have already gathered up their belongings and are ready to disembark the boat, the bedding they used stuffed in a bag. I offer to take it up to my house so that it can be washed, along with anything else Rhenn may need cleaned. He argues at first, but then seems to relent when I tell him it would be easier at my place than at a Laundromat in town.

“I don’t want to inconvenience you,” he says quietly, placing his lips on my sun-kissed shoulder.

“You won’t be. You run a load or two, and then we can go out to dinner. It’s simple time management, Rhenn,” I tell him with a smile.

“Time management, you say? Like you get to hang out with me while your washing machine cleans my drawers?”

“Exactly. Then, when your clothes are all clean, we come back here. To your boat. For the night.”

“I’m so hard right now,” he whispers deadpanned. He’s also not kidding. He proves his point by flexing his hips and running his erection against my lower back.

“Ready?” Nick asks, interrupting our little moment. Probably a good thing too, since I’m liable to beg him to take me downstairs and have his wicked way with me.

“Yep,” Rhenn replies, tightly, before he whispers, “Grandma, Grandma, Grandma.”

I can’t help but giggle as he eventually gets his hard-on under control and heads to the back of the sailboat to release the small boat we’ll use to get to shore. “I’ll take them up first and then come back for you and my dirty drawers, okay?”

Nodding, I watch as he helps his friends get into the small boat, their luggage piled on their laps, and takes off for the dock. It doesn’t take long at all to drop them off and come back for me. He helps me down into the boat, handing me a lifejacket as he does, which makes me smile. “I think I’ll be okay.”

“Trust me?”

More than I probably should. More than he’ll ever know. Neither answer is one I should give, so I go with, “Yes.” Rhenn nods, grabs the rest of the laundry and tosses it on the small space of floor between us. With my bag on my lap, we head to shore.

Nick helps me out, while Rhenn secures the rope, and before we know it, we’re back on land and off to the house. I’m surprised to see most of the family there, having a good time and carrying on.
