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“He has such a weird job. Who wants to be surrounded by death all day?” she asks aloud, but I can tell she isn’t really looking for an answer. It was more rhetorical. But I also agree with her one-hundred-percent. I don’t even want to think about some of the stuff that goes on behind that “Employees Only” door…

“Anyway, I should be here a little after three. Do I need to bring something for dinner?” she asks as she steps out the front door.

“Mom said she and Max are taking care of it,” I reply, joining her on the porch and immediately loving the warm, June sun.

“See you soon.” Harper slides her sunglasses on her face and heads around the house to her car.

I’m left standing there, all alone on a late Saturday morning, and wondering what I’m going to do with my time. Jensen isn’t coming until one to start working on the house, and Rhenn thought he’d be back early afternoon. That leaves me with about two hours to myself and nothing to do. Sure, I could go inside and get started on the living room, but now that I’m standing in the sunlight, Harper’s suggestion has started to grow roots.

Should I take some time to go enjoy the sun on the beach?

Can I even do what she proposed?

A few months ago, I’d say hell no. But now? Well, a coy smile takes over my face as I think about taking this big step outside my comfort zone. I picture a certain bed hog with dark blond hair and alluring eyes, and suddenly, it seems like the best idea ever.

But I’m not doing it for him. No. I’m doing this for me. I’m doing this with my newfound confidence that I didn’t even know I had, and maybe that’s inspired by Rhenn, sure, but this leap is all me.

Running back inside, I throw on my tiny bikini, grab the book I had started weeks ago and haven’t picked up since, a bottle of water, and a towel, and head out the door.

To sunbathe.


* * *

I’ve been reading for about fifteen minutes, or at least trying to read, but really I’m just conjuring up the courage to pull that string. But I’m nervous and a little scared. I haven’t seen anyone on the beach since I arrived, so I really don’t think anyone’s going to find me here, but there’s just something a little terrifying about being almost nude in public.

And then I picture Rhenn. The way his eyes light up and darken when he’s aroused (he’s like that a lot). He looks at me as if I’m the only woman he sees, that what he sees is enough. At least enough for now. He gives me the confidence I didn’t realize I desperately needed.

So I pull the string.

Tossing the bikini top beside me, I continue to lie on my stomach, making sure all of my girly bits are covered. The sun is hot, causing little beads of sweat to gather on my body, but do you know what? Harper’s right. It feels liberating and a little naughty, and I have a huge smile on my face.

I read for a good thirty minutes, relaxing and enjoying the warmth, and feeling at ease for the first time in too long. My eyelids start to grow heavy and I find it hard to focus on the words. Setting my book aside, I turn over so I don’t burn my back. Using my shirt as a pillow, I let the sun calm my body further, lulling it into sleep. I must immediately start to dream, quite possibly about being on Rhenn’s boat, because I hear a splash. My eyes fly open and I glance around, realizing I’m still on the beach.

And I’m not alone.
