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“I’m completely turned on right now,” I deadpan, watching her devour her PB and J sandwich.

“Of course you are. You’re breathing,” she teases, shoulder bumping me as I polish off my lunch.

“It’s you. You have this reaction on me,” I confess, though I assume she already knows. It’s definitely no secret.

We’re both quiet, as she pulls out a bag of potato chips and together we finish off the sour cream and onion flavored snack. The waters rage around us and off in the distance, we can see several couples and families enjoying the falls, walking back and forth down the flat path that we took last weekend.

“Can I ask you something?” I break the silence and stretch my legs forward, leaning back on my hands.


“Do you think you might come up to Jupiter Bay on the Fourth?” I’ve known that her family was planning to come up for the next holiday weekend, but it’s the first time the topic has been broached between us.

Marissa toys with her hair, shoving it behind her ear, and dropping her eyes. “I don’t think so. I have a lot to do here, and we’ll have guests by then. I think it’s best if I stay behind.”

She doesn’t look my way, but I nod anyway. There’s something so wrong about her family coming up to spend the weekend with their family and her not coming too. Realization that I won’t be seeing her in a few weeks doesn’t sit well. “I had kinda hoped to see you again,” I tell her.

Finally, Marissa looks up, sadness etched on her face. She gives me a smile, but it’s not the kind that lights up her face. “I’m not really sure that’s a good idea. I mean, when we made this arrangement, it was for two weeks. I think it’s best to just end it tomorrow; you go your way, and I’ll go mine.”

My stomach drops to my shoes. The chances of me running into her again are pretty good, considering my best friend is married to her cousin, but I hadn’t really thought far enough ahead to when that actually happens. Or the fact that she wouldn’t want to see me again. Even if you take sex out of the equation, I consider her a friend now. I’ll admit, that hurts.

Not wanting to show any reaction, I go with, “You’re right.” I clear my throat, nodding too much to be deemed normal, and start picking up our trash. Once it’s put in the backpack, I stand up, hating the fact that she is right. This is exactly what we agreed upon, exactly what I wanted. No strings. Just sex. If we see each other again, great. It doesn’t have to be weird or uncomfortable.

Then why does it feel like my heart was just kicked with a pair of steel-toed boots?

Not trusting my voice, I reach for her hand and, together, we start to make the winding trek back on the path. Our walk down is more leisurely than it was coming up, and we often find birds, cool rocks, and trees to stop and look at. We barely talk, but I feel like so much is being said. We’re communicating with our body language, with our unspoken words, with our touch. I never in a million years thought I’d be so…sad at the prospect of leaving someone I’m sleeping with, but do you know what? This shit hurts. It sucks, and by the time tomorrow rolls around, I’m not sure how I’m going to walk away. I don’t want to see sadness on her face – or worse, indifference with my leaving. That might actually kill me.

So I know what I have to do.

* * *

I refused to let her cook on my last night here. Instead, I took her to that little hole in the wall steakhouse that I took her to the first time. I’ve done everything I can to stay away from her place, since I know her family is there. Nick and Meghan drove over to help me get my boat back home, and with them, Emma and Orval. I’m just not in the mood to share Marissa right now. Not on my last night with her.

The good news is that they all went to Samuel’s place for dinner, so when we return to the bed and breakfast, we’re alone. I help her from my truck, and with her hand nestled in mine, guide her around the house and to her place. The lights are off, creating a dark, mysterious ambiance, so when we enter, I take the opportunity to pull her into my arms. My lips are on hers instantaneously, eager to taste her one more time.

One last time.

Marissa comes into my arms willingly, opening her mouth when my tongue glides along the seam of her lips. She tastes like heaven, that sexy combination of sultry and sweet. I’m not sure I’ll ever forget her taste, nor will I find another pair of lips as amazing as hers. That fucking ball of dread tightens in my chest once more, so I do what I do best: push it aside and ignore it.

It has gotten me through life, thus far.

Slowly, I guide her backward to her bedroom. Her arms wrap around my neck as she presses her body tightly against mine. I’m already hard and aching for her, but I want to take this slow. I want to memorize every move, every sound, everything I feel when I’m with her.

I kick off my flip-flops as soon as we enter her room, and she does the same. My hand snakes under her light blue dress, sliding up her outer thigh and coming in contact with smooth satin. With my hand under her ass, I lift, her legs wrapping around my waist as I gently lie her down on the mattress. My lips continue a slow, seductive kiss, nipping at her plump lips and dragging down the delectable column of her neck.

“Rhenn,” she whispers in the dark of night, my chest tightening and my heart pounding. The sound of my name on her lips will forever be ingrained in my memory.

“I’m right here, Angel,” I answer as I push her dress up, exposing her wet panties. My hands keeps moving, tugging at the dress until it’s over her head and thrown on the floor. Then, my eyes feast on the beauty before me, splayed out on the bed like the goddess she is. “This is new?” I ask, taking in the nude colored bra and panty set she’s wearing, noticing the little blue gemstone hearts on both pieces.


“Did you buy them with me in mind?” I ask, gliding my hands up her waist and cupping her breasts.

She nods, not saying a word, as my hands continue to explore her body. When they begin to trek downward, her legs instantly fall open, an invitation I can’t refuse. My palm moves over the panties and find them wet, which I already suspected. My Angel is always wet and ready for me.

“You look so beautiful in them, I don’t really want to take them off,” I whisper as I move my palm over her pussy, loving the way her hips buck against the pressure. “But I need to see you, Angel. I need to feel you.” No truer words have ever been spoken.

I unclasp the bra and gently slip the panties down her legs. Even though the caveman in me wants to ruin them so no other man could ever see her this way, I don’t want to be a dick. I know this shit is expensive. My eyes feast on her body as I toss the panties over my shoulder. Her legs fall open again, and my mouth starts to water. “I need to taste you.” One last time. I don’t say it, but I think it.
