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Chapter Twenty-Seven


“You look like someone broke your favorite vibrator.”

My head snaps up in shock as Emma gazes over at me from across the yard. Her eyes are all knowing, yet filled with kindness and understanding. “I’m not quite sure what you mean,” I respond, wishing she’d just drop it and quit talking about vibrators. Why must my eighty-five-year-old aunt bring up one of those…things in front of everyone?

More importantly, why is she drawing attention toward me.

While talking about the vibrator.

“Of course you do. Your eyes are filled with sorrow.” Emma’s are gentle and speak volumes.

Before I can say anything, Meghan joins us. “He left without saying goodbye.”

“He did? That sexy karate master took the pogo stick before you could take one final hop around the yard?” Emma declares, again drawing more attention.

“Wow, that’s…graphic. There was no…yard hopping, Aunt Emma, and besides, we all knew he was leaving,” I say, shrugging my shoulders casually, yet feeling anything but. As much as I love and enjoy my family, I really just wish they would all leave already so I can wallow in peace. This fake smile and pretending I’m fine is exhausting.

Harper snorts. “Maybe no yard hopping, but I heard there was something freaky going on in the timber. Rumor has it Rhenn had bark embedded in his T-shirt and Riss had one of those big dopey smiles and smelled like sex.”

I gasp.

“Mom told me,” Harper shrugs. “Plus, Rhenn returned without a shirt, ‘claiming’ that Riss got something on hers and needed a new one. I’m sorry I missed that part.”

I stare wide-eyed at my not-so-innocent sister as she continues to tell all my secrets to my horny old aunt and my cousin.

“Spoog. It was definitely man juice on her shirt. When the volcano blows, that lava flies everywhere,” Emma adds, completely ignoring my silent pleas for mercy.

“Don’t say man juice,” Meghan chastises.

“Spoog isn’t much better,” Harper mumbles.

“Nut butter? Anyway, all I’m saying is that it’s messy. Just be glad you didn’t get it in your eye, dear. That happened to me once when we were driving out to Brian and Trisha’s house years ago. I couldn’t see for an hour.”

We all just stare at Emma, completely horrified at the very vivid picture she just painted. I’ll have nightmares for days…

“We’re ready,” Nick hollers, heading over to Rhenn’s truck. The truck that has been taunting me for the last several hours. It’s almost noon, but instead of eating together, they’ve opted to make a stop along the way.

“I’m riding with Nick, my love,” Uncle Orval says to Emma before placing a kiss on her cheek. “It was lovely to see you again, Marissa,” he adds, pulling me into a big hug.

“You too.”

“I’m sure you’re coming up for the Fourth of July, right?” Emma asks, giving me one of those looks that tells me there’s only one answer, and it isn’t no.

“I’m not sure yet. We’ll be open by then,” I answer, not really giving them a definite.

Emma steps forward and pulls me into her tiny arms. “He’s a man, honey, so let him have a bit of time to think about what he lost. They never catch on too quickly. Something tells me that if he’s half as miserable as you pretend not to be, he’ll be back. They always come back to the one they love.”

I stand there, stunned, and try to come up with a response. “Love? That’s not what this was.”


At least it was for me.

“You sure?” she asks, offering me a wink. “I’ll see you on the Fourth.”

She gives no room for argument. Nodding, I watch as they walk away, hand in hand. He leads her to Meghan’s car and helps her inside before placing another kiss on her lips. I can’t help but sigh at the exchange. It’s comforting to know that some loves are forever, even if I have yet to find mine.

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