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Chapter Twenty-Two


My palms are actually sweating with anticipation when I knock on her door. It stands open on the opposite side, letting the evening warmth blow through the screen door. I switch the bag from one hand to the other as I fidget with excitement. The thump of puppy paws and scratching of nails brings a smile to my face, and there’s no denying I’ve fallen for the ugly mutt whose tongue is hanging from her mouth and happily barking to announce my arrival.

“Hey, Killer,” I greet just as a vision in ivory comes around the corner.

My heart stops beating.

She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

And she’s fucking mine.

“Wow,” I whisper as she unlocks the screen door and pushes it open. The ivory satin hangs to her bare feet, clinging seductively to every curve of her body. The lace cups hold her amazing tits, slightly pushing them upward, as if offering them up on some silver platter. Two thin spaghetti straps wrap across her delicate shoulders, disappearing behind her back.

Then she turns.

And the back comes into full display.

The straps slide down her back until they reach the soft satin at the base of her spine, her hair cascading in long, loose curls behind her. Desire swirls in my gut, the need to touch her so great, I’m afraid I might die if I don’t. “I want to take this off so bad, yet leave it in place at the same time,” I state when my eyes finally drink their fill and return to hers.

She pulls the material to the side, exposing her left leg through a slit that runs up the entire length of the negligée to the top of her outer thigh. “I figure this will come in handy,” she purrs as she steps closer, running a manicured fingernail down my chest. “You know, if you wanted to leave it on.”

My cock twitches and starts to beg. Images of taking Harper while she’s still wearing this outfit has me harder than concrete and ready to go. Without breaking eye contact, I set the bag down on the small table and reach for her. My fingers slide effortlessly along the satin at her hip as I gently pull her body into mine. “I’m definitely leaving it on,” I answer, bending my head down and running my nose along the long column of her neck.

Snuggles barks and jumps on my leg, letting me know she’s not happy to have not been properly greeted yet. “Snuggles, down! You know you don’t jump on people,” Harper reprimands her dog, yet her tone doesn’t stop the dog from wagging her tail in anticipation. In fact, Snuggles completely ignores her mama.

“Down,” I tell her, snapping my finger and pointing to the floor. She does as she’s told, dropping her nose and gazing up at me with big, sad eyes. Immediately, I take a knee and give the dog the attention she is expecting. Her tail continues to wag as she gives me a wet kiss on the cheek. “You know you’re not supposed to jump up like that,” I remind the pup, earning another lick on the hand as I rub behind her ears.

When I gaze up at Harper, her eyes are wide. I hop up, and place my hands on her arms. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have stepped in. It’s just we worked on her jumping yesterday when she was in the store with me. I didn’t mean to undermine you,” I quickly say, glancing back down at the dog. “You need to listen to your mama.”

The dog gives me a sheepish look, but leans over and runs her nose against Harper’s hand. “It’s okay, girl. Why don’t you go lay down?”

Snuggles wags her tail, grabs the mangled chew toy she dropped in her haste to get to the door, and heads into the living room for her bed.

“Are you mad?” I ask, pulling her into my arms, the satin sliding effortlessly beneath my hands.

“I should be,” she says, looking up from beneath long lashes.

“I didn’t mean to overstep, but like I said, I was working with her on not jumping when she was with me at the store, and I just reacted. I really am sorry,” I plea.

“How sorry?” she whispers, running her hands up my chest and sliding them around my neck. Her body molds to mine, her sweet voice deep and husky, reminding me of sex.

My cock knocks on my zipper. “Terribly sorry. Horribly sorry. Incredibly, ultra-sorry,” I state, wrapping my hands around her waist.

She goes up on her tiptoes, her lips touching my earlobe. “Show me,” she says as her nails bite into my flesh.

“I thought you wanted to eat.” I can’t stop the words from falling from my lips. I’d go a week without food just to have her right here, right now.

“I was hoping you’d be the one ready to…eat.”

I groan in both pain and pleasure. My cock is painfully hard, my balls so tight I know if she were to touch them, I’d explode like a teenager watching his first fuck flick. My hands grip her waist, my subconscious telling me to loosen the hold, but my cock is in the driver’s seat. “I’m definitely a starving man.”

Then my lips descend to hers. They’re plump and warm and wet, ripe for kissing. I move with a quickness even I didn’t realize I possessed, gripping her ass with my hands and lifting. The slit up the side allows the material to move enough for her legs to wrap around me. It’s both heaven and hell as heat radiates through my pants, her scent tickling my senses.

My lips aren’t gentle. They’re bruising, in fact, as I take the kiss from sweet and innocent to hot-as-fuck in about two seconds. I stumble with my left hand, but find the open door. It’s closed and locked a moment later, without so much as a misstep in the kiss. Only when the house is secure do we make our way toward her bedroom. I hear Snuggles get up and trot behind us, but block the entrance to the bedroom before she can make her way inside. “Stay.” She whimpers a bit, but doesn’t follow us as I shut the door.

When I feel the bed hit my knees, only then do I slow the kiss. I lay her on top of the comforter, stretching my body over the top of hers from head to toe. Then, I get to work. Running my nose down the side of her jaw, I inhale her sweet, floral scent. It’s part lotion, part shower gel, and all Harper.
