Page 39 of Pants On Fire

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“We’re going to head out,” Cricket says casually, her friends giggling.

“I bet,” Jenna replies, standing up and giving Cricket a hug. It’s the first time I realize Danny and Ellen aren’t at the table.

I shake hands with the two husbands and give friendly hugs to Jenna and Bridget. We all make plans to sit together tomorrow morning at brunch before waving goodbye and heading toward the exit.

“I’m going to use the restroom quickly,” she says, leaning up on her tiptoes and kissing my cheek.

I smile like the smug son of a bitch that I am as she walks to the nearest ladies’ room. There are a handful of people milling around the hallway as the music inside starts to kick up a few notches. Any other night, I’d stay and find a few more classmates to catch up with, but tonight? No, tonight is all about Cricket and the things I want to do to her body.

Dirty, dirty things.

Over and over again.

“I didn’t realize sparkles was your thing.” I already know who’s standing behind me before I even turn around. Danny’s holding a glass with amber liquid, his eyes a little glassy, and the strong stench of alcohol seeping from his breath.

I glance down at the little sparkly clutch in my hand. “Oh this? Yeah, I’ve had it for years. Black goes with everything,” I tease, smiling over at my old friend.

He doesn’t smile back, however, as he sips his drink. “You two seemed awfully cozy out on the dance floor.”

“Yeah?” I rock back on my heels, trying not to fidget too much under his scrutiny.

“Yeah. I have to say, I was a little ticked off when I found out you two were fucking. I mean, you’re my best friend, right? And now you’re fucking my girl.”

I turn to fully face the man who’d been my good friend way back when, guilt spiraling through my entire body. “First off, she’s not your girl anymore. She hasn’t been your girl in more than ten years. You left her, remember? The text when you were how many states away already?”

Danny rolls his eyes. “Semantics. Besides, just because we weren’t together then, doesn’t mean we won’t make our way back to each other now.”

I stand up straight.

“Yeah, did she tell you she’s interviewing with my station in LA? They want us to work together. I’m pretty sure she won’t be able to turn away from the offer they’ve prepared, which will keep her in California. With me. And you’re, where again? Kentucky?”

“Tennessee,” I reply, my stomach dropping down to my shiny black dress shoes.

“So far away,” he replies with a tsk.

My stomach churns as jealousy courses through my body. I’ve known all along Cricket wasn’t mine to keep. She’ll return to California after our time is over. Even dragging it out a few more days isn’t going to quench this thirst I have for her. In fact, it’ll probably make it that much worse. I’m going to send her home in six days, and quite possibly right back to her ex.

Reality has a dreadfully bitter taste.

Movement out of the corner of my eye has me turning to the ladies’ room. Cricket walks out, that fucking amazing gold dress hugging her curves and sending my blood southbound to Boner Town. Her eyes meet mine and light up like fireworks on the Fourth of July, and suddenly everything around me just…disappears. Danny and his insistent big mouth. The looming deadline on our time together. Ellen and her wandering hand. It’s all gone, leaving just her and me.


I glance back at my friend and see his eyes so full of regret and longing as he stares at the approaching woman. “I can’t predict the future, Danny. Whatever happens between Cricket and me could change tomorrow, the next day, or a year from now. I’m just enjoying the hell out of spending time with a stunning woman, who wants to spend time with me too. I’m sorry if that hurts you. It was never our intention.”

“Sure it wasn’t,” he snorts, taking another sip of his liquor.

I guess, in a way, he’s right. It was Cricket’s intention when she told him we were dating. Maybe not to hurt him, exactly, but she wasn’t being honest. There was nothing between us until she told him we were dating and jumped into my arms. From that second on, I was helpless to stop this freight train, even though we’ve both had ample opportunities to end the lie.

The truth is: I didn’t want to end the lie. The prospect of Cricket being mine was more appealing than confessing our sins. Danny and I haven’t actually spoken in nearly two years. It’s been even longer since we’ve seen each other. When my dad died, I texted him to let him know. It took him two days to reply, and even then, it was a quick sorry. He hasn’t initiated a conversation between us since he left. It’s always been me to call or text or send an email. When he left Cricket, he, in essence, left me too.

He’s been a shitty friend.

And I’m just now realizing it. In fact, there hasn’t even really been a friendship since college, at least not one that I’d consider a friendship. There was sporadic communication, but that’s it. That realization is both sobering and saddening.

I glance back to the approaching woman. Her eyes are skeptical as she comes to stand before us, a small grin on her dark lips. “Ready?” she asks, looking from Danny and myself.

Calmness takes over. I know I have a choice right now between Danny and Cricket, and it’s an easy one. I choose her.
