Page 40 of Pants On Fire

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We were nothing more than friends back in the day, but now, I can see myself falling completely in love with her. Even if every second we’re together leads us toward the end, I’ll savor every single one of those seconds as if they were our last. There are no guarantees in this life, so I’m going to hang on to as many of those moments as I can to last me a lifetime.

“Ready,” I tell her, taking her hand in my own.

“It was really good to see you, Danny,” I tell him honestly, because at the end of the day, it was nice to catch up. Our lives took us in different directions. That’s okay. We’ve moved on, our friendship not what it once was. I’ll always wish the best for him, and hope he’d do the same for me.

Danny sways just a bit as he downs the rest of his booze.

I take a step closer and whisper, “You have to speak tomorrow at the brunch. Might want to lay off the alcohol a little.”

He looks up and smirks. “That’s right I do. I get to brag about how fucking successful I am, and how amazing my life is. I’m Danny fucking Ohara.”

I’m pretty sure that’s the alcohol talking, but then again, it’s Danny and his immeasurable ego. “You are.”

He slaps me on the back and watches a blonde with a very short black dress and caked-on makeup exit the restroom. “If you’ll excuse me, I think that woman needs to be shown a good time in the supply closet.”

And then he’s gone, heading over to the woman and kissing her knuckles. Within a few seconds, he has her on the line and is making her laugh. She glances over his shoulder for a second before taking his offered hand and trailing off behind him. Off to the supply closet.

And that, my friends, is the real Danny Ohara.

“Well, I guess that answers the whole Ellen question, huh? Everything okay?” Cricket asks as we make our way to the front entrance of the hall.

I hand over my valet ticket and wrap my arm around her lower back. “Everything is perfect.”

She smiles that heart-stopping smile. “It is.”

I want to kiss her, but refrain. I know once I start, I won’t be able to stop until those kisses turn to more and she’s screaming my name in ecstasy, which I’m hoping happens no less than four times tonight. That’s why I keep my lips to myself as we wait for my SUV to be pulled around. My hand, well, that’s another story. I can’t help it if it slowly creeps lower on her hip, my palm cupping the side of her ass.

We wait in silence for about five minutes before another couple comes out to the valet stand. They instantly start talking to us about the dinner, Cricket joining the conversation easily. I, on the other hand, am wound like a fucking clock. I smile politely, but don’t engage in the speaking of the words. I can’t. My brain is going a thousand miles a minute.

Taste her skin.

Hear her moan.

Slide inside her wet body.

Don’t stop until she’s coming.

And you can imagine what’s going on in my pants, right? It’s no secret I’m wildly attracted to this woman, and the thought of getting naked with her is messing with my brain. As in, it’s not firing correctly. Like a gun that’s misfiring, unable to even think about anything but sex. I haven’t been this crazed since I was thirteen and found out what that thing in my pants was really for.

Realizing I’m going to embarrass myself if I don’t get my raging hormones under control, I take several deep breaths and close my eyes. The September night is warm against my skin, the air carrying a hint of garlic and marinara from the restaurant across the street.

“Ready?” Cricket asks.

When I open my eyes, I see my rental in front of us, the driver holding the passenger door open. “Definitely,” I reply.

I take her to the door and help her in, passing a ten to the valet attendant for his assistance. We’re both silent as I make my way to our hotel. The vehicle is full of anticipation, desire, and maybe even nerves. The fog gets heavier the closer we get to our destination, the buzz of excitement practically audible. Fortunately, it’s not that far of a drive, and we’re pulling into our valet just a few minutes later.

I’m out, my key left in the ignition, as I hand the attendant my slip and another folded ten. Seconds later, I’m at her door, holding it open when she shimmies out of the passenger seat. Her dress is hiked up a little, giving me a good view of her thighs. They’re tanned and toned and make my cock weep with joy.

“My eyes are up here,” she says softly, her voice low and deep.

When I glance up and find those beautiful green eyes, they’re filled with heat and mischief. My lips can’t take it any longer. I kiss her. Hard and quick. Just enough of a tease to let her know how badly I want to be with her and how crazy her body in that dress is driving me. I take her hand and whisper, “Let’s go.”

Silently, we walk through the lobby and head for the elevators. There are a few other guests waiting to board, so we fall in line with them and shuffle in slowly when our car arrives. I move her close, her body shielding mine from anyone who may glance down and spot the baseball bat I’m smuggling in my pants. Of course, the vixen that she is, leans back just a little and wiggles her ass against my erection. I have to bite my tongue to keep the groan from slipping out.

We stop at each floor letting passengers out, until we’re finally arriving on the fourth. Another man gets off before us and heads in the opposite direction. Thank God. She leads us off the elevator, her hand still nestled in mine. The moment the door closes and we’re alone in the hallway, I spin her around and press her against the wall. “You’re driving me crazy,” I tell her, running my lips along the hallow of her throat.

“God,” she groans. “Me too.”
