Page 70 of Pants On Fire

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Reaching the end of the block, I glance around at the street signs, wishing I’d have paid better attention the first time. “Go left for three blocks and take the next trolley,” she starts, giving me step by step directions to get to the airport quicker.

“I’ll text you when I have my flight booked,” I tell her, elation rushing through me like a tidal wave.

“I’ll pick you up at the airport,” she says.

“I’ll keep her company until you get home!” my asshole brother hollers from the background.

“You’ll keep your filthy hands off her!” I yell back all in good fun. I know my brother wouldn’t actually mess with Cricket, but still, his comment causes an automatic reaction.

Cricket shakes her head at our banter. “I’ll see you soon?” she asks, nibbling on her bottom lip.

“You can bet your sweet ass you will,” I confirm as the cable car pulls up. “I have something I want to say to you.”

She grins again. “I have something to say to you too.”

“See you soon, Cricket,” I tell her, and as much as I want to add a declaration of love, I hold back. That’s not something I want to do over the phone, even if we’re on a video call. When I finally tell her how I feel, it’ll be with her standing right in front of me, when I’m able to kiss her and hold her close.

“Bye, Rueben.”

After we hang up, I smile the entire way back to the airport. I don’t care how much this impromptu trip has cost me. It’ll all be worth it to tell her how I feel.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I yawn, but I’m not tired. Not really. I’m nervous and excited, all at the same time. His plane just landed, and I’ve started to pace in anticipation.

The airport is practically deserted as the clock strikes just after one in the morning. Unfortunately, Rueben wasn’t able to get an immediate flight out of San Francisco, and the first one available wasn’t a direct flight. They took him on a trip to Denver first, before finally sending him back to me in Tennessee.

Royce helped me get settled in Rueben’s room, and even though I don’t have confirmation that I’m staying with him, the older brother insisted, swearing Rueben would be okay with it. He even made me dinner, even though I wasn’t really hungry. Nerves reigned supreme while I waited for Rueben’s flight details and then for the hour I could go pick him up. Royce offered to go with me, considering the flight wasn’t landing until one a.m., but I insisted he go home and sleep. Royce ended up staying until it was time to go back to the airport, and honestly, I’m grateful. It was nice to have someone to talk to to help pass the time, especially since he filled me in on all his younger brother’s most embarrassing moments growing up.

Now, Rueben’s flight number shows landed, and I’m waiting for him just outside of the security checkpoint. A few people head my way, pulling small carry-on suitcases and travel bags. My heart starts to pound as I scan each face, looking for the one that makes my heart skip a beat and brings a sense of home.

I hear the pounding of feet echo through the mostly empty corridor, and when I glance up, I see a man running my way. Not just any man. Rueben. He’s carrying a duffel bag and making his way through the security checkpoint exit, darting around two businessmen in suits and offering a quick “excuse me.”

My smile is instantaneous as he skids to a stop in front of me, drops his bag, and holds out his arms. I launch myself into them, plastering my lips to his. He’s home.


Right here in his arms.

“Fuck, I missed you, Crick.”

“I missed you too,” I reply, my lips still pressed to his, tasting and savoring the softness of those full lips.

The kiss is almost indecent, my body wrapped around his, as he runs his hand through my hair. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

Shrugging, I reply, “Nowhere else I want to be.”

He sets me down in front of him, his hands framing my face. “I’m falling in love with you. I’m pretty sure I started to fall the moment I ran into you in St. Louis, but I knew it for fact the second you left. I know we have a lot to figure out, but I want to try, Cricket. Fuck, I want to try more than anything.”

I smile up at him, his words washing over me like a spring rain. “I’ve fallen completely in love with you,” I confess, my heart feeling freer and lighter than ever before. “That’s why I came. I wanted to tell you in person and see if we could figure out the next step. Together.”

He exhales and smiles all at the same time, as if he’s relieved by my response. As if he thought there was a chance I’d turn him away. “I’m so fucking glad you’re here,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “Being in that lie was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Me too. But I don’t want it to be a lie anymore.”

Rueben shakes his head. “It’s not. No more pretending. You’re mine for as long as you’ll have me.”
