Page 71 of Pants On Fire

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We’re quiet for several minutes, just breathing each other in and reveling in the feel of our bodies pressed together.

“You went to San Francisco,” I point out, my cheek pressed against his chest as I breathe him in.

“I did. Imagine the shock I received when a woman answered your apartment door who wasn’t you,” he says, resting his chin on my forehead and inhaling the scent of my shampoo.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to surprise you.”

“That you did, Cricket. That you did.” He pulls back and wraps his arms around my shoulders, my arms instantly going to his waist. “So what now?”

“Now we head back to your place. I’m sure you’re beat from so much flying.”

He gives me a little smirk. “I’m notthattired.”

Laughing, I turn in his embrace. Rueben picks up his bag, keeping his arm around my shoulder, and guides us toward the exit. “You know what? I’m suddenly not really that tired either,” I state, that familiar tingle between my legs visiting as I think about getting him back to his place. Alone.

“Let’s head home then, shall we? I want to hear all about this new job on the ride.”



1 year later

Damn, I’m proud of her.

Cricket is at the top of the mountain, getting ready to zipline down. It’s part of her new series on taking risks in their new tourist web-series, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

When she moved to Tennessee a year ago, it was to start her new position within the Chamber. She was helping with PR for their new tourist division with a focus on highlighting all things Gatlinburg and the surrounding communities of Pigeon Forge and Sevierville. It’s a joint effort from the three communities, with Cricket spearheading the project.

She’s been in front of the camera many times, but that’s not where her expertise lies. Once they shoot her videos, she’s the one to produce, edit, and prepare the final video for publication.That’swhere the magic happens.That’swhere Cricket shows her professionalism and love for her job. The final product, every single video she’s created, is outstanding, and I’m not just saying that because I’m prejudice.

Though, I am a little.

She’s really fucking amazing.

But now she’s at the top of the mountain, a video camera strapped to her helmet, and getting ready to zoom down the mountain. She’s terrified, I already know. That’s why she’s put off making this particular video, even though ziplining is one of the biggest draws to the Smoky Mountains. But Royce wasn’t letting her out of it this time. He’s up there with her, determined to ease her discomfort and help her through this particular assignment.

I’m on the ground, waiting for her arrival, and I’m probably just as nervous as she is.

It’s just for different reasons.

“She’s almost ready,” Royce says into the walkie talkie he provided me. It’s how he communicates with his team stationed at the different ledges on the mountain. Her trip isn’t just a single shot down the mountain at a high rate of speed. She’s zigzagging over the terrain, stopping at little ledges amongst the landscape.

I just pray she keeps her eyes open. It’s the only way my plan will work today. Royce assured me she will, even though I’m not so sure he’s right. I know my girlfriend and she’s terrified of heights like this. The prospect of freefalling to the ground will have her throat closed in terror and her body shaking like a scared puppy. The only reason she agreed to do this is because Royce is going with her. He’ll be riding on the line beside her, making sure nothing happens to my girl after they complete their interview at the top.

Of course, she thinks it’s all part of the set-up. Only, it’s not the video set-up she’s thinking. It’s for my set-up.

“Passengers are strapped in and ready to go. Everyone ready?” Royce asks, his voice calm and sure.

One by one, each platform responds with a go.

“Rueben?” he whispers, as if not to draw attention to me.

“Yeah, uh, ready. Definitely ready.” My heart is trying to crawl out of my chest.

Royce’s chuckles filter through the small handheld device in my hands. “Cricket, are you ready?” he asks loudly.

“I guess. Let’s get this over with,” she mumbles, her voice wobbly with worries.
