Page 74 of Pants On Fire

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Marry me?

Something catches in my throat and I gasp. It’s not at the scenery or the fact that I’m ziplining, even after swearing to God and all things holy that I’d never do it. The signs.

Oh my God! The signs!





Holy shit, someone is proposing! But who? I barely have time to considering the options when my feet touch down on the fourth and final platform, mere feet off the ground. When I glance at Royce, he’s grinning like a loon, which makes me smile as well.

“Did you see those signs? I think someone is proposing,” I tell him as they remove my safety harness and get me out of the contraption I had to wear for this expedition through hell. But I have to admit, despite the screaming and the fear and the pleas to save me, I did actually enjoy myself.

Don’t tell Royce.

“Really?” he asks, glancing down to the ground where his brother stands. “What did the signs say?”

“Will you marry me?”

“That’s odd. Who could be proposing?” he asks after making sure he’s free from his zipline harness.

“I’m not sure. Maybe it’s someone coming down the mountain?” I follow him down the stairs that lead to the ground.

Oh, sweet, safe ground. I will never complain about you ever again.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, Royce takes my helmet, which I’m grateful the moment I see Rueben. He’s standing off to the side, a big smile on his face, but there’s something different about his eyes. They’re intense, and maybe a little nervous as he watches me walk his way.

Rueben takes me in his arms and spins me around. When my feet hit the ground, his hands frame my face in that way I’ve come to love and expect, and he places his hips against mine. Then, before I even have a chance to kiss him back, he moves, kneeling in front of me.

What in the world?

My mouth opens to ask him if he’s okay, but when he gazes up at me, something steals my breath. It’s the look in his eye that tells me everything I need to know. I see his love for me, for our life we’ve made, and will continue to work on together. I see a little anxiety and a bit of tension. But I also see an anticipation. Question.

Holy shit!

Suddenly, it all starts to make sense.

The signs.

Will you marry me?

Holy shit, someone is proposing.

A gasp falls from my open lips as my hands cover my gaping mouth. I gaze down at him, a smile crossing his handsome face. “Cricket Hill, this past year has been the greatest of my life, and that’s because of you. You make me a better man, and I can’t think of a better way to spend my life than with you by my side, as my wife.”

He pulls a ring from his jeans front pocket and holds it between his thumb and first finger. A cry slips past my lips as he grins up at me, takes my left hand in his and positions it at the tip of my finger. “The moment I saw this ring, I knew it was made for your finger. Just like you were made for me. I love you, Cricket Hill, and I want nothing more to than to marry you. Will you be my wife?”

I’m not sure I even wait until he’s finished his question. “Yes! Yes!” I holler, my entire body shaking.

His grin could light up the night sky as he slips the ring on my finger and stands up, taking me in his arms once more. Our lips meet in a frenzy of urgency and celebration as applause rings out around us. When we pull away, I’m shocked to find a handful of employees of the zipline company there, as well as Royce, who just so happens to be using the camera on my helmet to tape our exchange.

“I love you, Crick,” Rueben whispers, kissing my forehead

“And I love you, Ruby.”

He growls and nips at my ear. “You’re going to pay for that,” he whispers.

Giving him a saucy grin, I reply, “I sure hope so.”

The End

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