Page 73 of Pants On Fire

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I swallow back the reply I want to give and say, “Yes. I’m ready.”

“Good. Let’s do this!” Royce hollers, getting everyone into position for the next leg of our descent.




I close my eyes as we plunge off the platform and start another crazy fall. I want to open my mouth, to scream my protests, but I don’t. Instead, I recall the promise I just made to Rueben. To listen to Royce and enjoy the ride.

Slowly, I crack open one eyelid, the swoosh of air hitting my eyeball. When I see I’m still tethered to the line, I crack open the second.

“Open your eyes, Cricket.”

I put all my trust in Royce and open them completely. We’re zipping along the trees, zagging down the mountain at a much higher rate of speed than I’m used to, but it’s…not that bad. The next platform is in sight, but that’s not what draws my eyes. I’m focused on the wooden sign positioned all by itself on the side of the mountain.

It reads… Will.

“Will? What does that mean?” I ask Royce, who’s sitting beside me, a wide grin on his face as he relaxes into the harness, his arms and legs spread out. “Oh my god! A will? Is that what this means? I didn’t get a will! Royce, why didn’t I get a will before I did this?” I holler, just as my feet hit the next platform and my body jolts to a stop. “I don’t have a will, Royce!”

He’s smiling wide as he moves his next carabiner. “It’s fine, Cricket, I swear. That wasn’t a notice to update your will.”

“Really? Are you sure? It was like this big white sign telling me I’m fucked for not doing a will before I die.” Who cares about the cameras? I can edit out that part.

“Ready for the next trip? This is the third one,” he says, ignoring another one of my freak-outs and making sure we’re all secure for the next trip.

When they nod that I’m set, I grumble, “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

Royce smiles that boyish grin that’s exactly like his little brother’s. “Just remember, Cricket. Keep those eyes open!”

And then they start to countdown and we’re off again. This time, I force my eyes open a little quicker on the fall, and find myself actually taking in the breathtaking scene around me. Another spot of white on the landscape catches me eye. This one says “You.”

You? What the hell does that mean?

My feet hit the third platform and those hands reach out and grab me, steadying me, before moving the carabiners and getting us ready for the fourth and final leg of our trip down the mountain.

“You still with me?” Royce asks, checking his connection and getting ready.

“I’m with you. I’m not sure what that sign meant though. Did you see it? It said you. What does that mean? Is that God calling? He’s here for me, isn’t he?”

Royce lets a full belly laugh fly, doubling over like he did that day I showed up at Rueben’s house a year ago. “Oh, Cricket, you’re something else. I can see why my brother loves you so much.” Standing back up, he adds, “Well, let’s go. He’s waiting down on the ground.”

And just like that, we’re ready to make the final journey down.

“Cricket?” Royce says, pulling my attention to where he hangs beside me.


“Promise me you’ll sit back and enjoy the ride, okay? Keep those eyes open. It’ll be worth it.” There’s something in the way he says it, but I find myself nodding in understanding.

The countdown begins one final time and then we let go. I don’t close my eyes this time, choosing to enjoy the entire freefall as best as I can. Right away, I see another white sign approaching. It’s the same size as the others, the letters printed in big black block script.

“Marry,” I whisper.

What the hell is going on?

Before I even have a chance to try to piece it together, a fourth sign appears. Me.
