Page 54 of Blood Arrow

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“Einri is here?” My father asked, surprised.

I nodded. “So is Asena, she had them brought down here, and then she knocked me out and they were gone. Papa, she’s behind everything!”

A calculating look crossed his face as he processed the information. “That explains much, little archer. I suspect they will be held with the rest of the people of Greenwood. They’re being held in the courtyard to be hanged. We need to head there after we collect Brexley.”

I gripped my father’s hands through the bars as the foundation of the castle seemed to shudder. I could hear an indecipherable noise in the distance and looked to my father for answers. A grin spread across his face. “Atta girl, Brex.” He praised, softly.

“What in the name of Nidar was that?” I breathed.

“Come, I’ll tell you as we run!” He whisper-shouted as Will found the correct key and pushed it into the lock, releasing me from my cell.

The three of us took off running out of the dungeon, Will leading the way. I watched as he continuously sniffed the air as if puzzled and wondered what that was about.

“I had Brex cause a distraction,” Papa began. “Loud noises make it difficult for the beasts to distinguish between loud and soft sounds at the same time.”

I nodded and absentmindedly wondered if he’d yet been told Will was now a ‘beast.’

“So, I gave her some explosives and told her where to place them.”

I gaped. “Explosives? How did you - never mind. What’s the plan?”

He glanced at me, amused. “Rescue you. Rescue the others. And get out.” He said succinctly.

I barked out a laugh. “Fair enough!” I cried as I skidded around a corner. My father was now running flat out as we exited the final door out of the dungeon, and I was huffing slightly. The brutal run was not helping the ache in my head.


I felt my body stumble backwards painfully, then crashed onto the floor. I groaned, raising my head to see what I ran into. The startled face of a guard blinked down at me, but his companion beside him was better prepared. With a roar, the second guard pulled his sword and lunged at me. Frantic, I rolled out of the path of the swing. A growl nearly burst my eardrums as Will shifted into his wolf form with socked feet and tore into the second guard.

Rolling to my feet, I prepared to fight the poor sod I bumped into when the graceful arc of my father’s sword intercepted him. He effectively avoided the guard’s clumsy parry and with a couple skilled swings, the guard was down. It was over in moments.

“Is anyone hurt?” My father asked, glancing over both of us, his eyes settling on Will’s furry body. Will and I both shook our heads. I watched them closely, wondering what they were thinking.

“You did well, William.” He complimented, and I let my breath out with a gust. “Let’s continue on, more carefully this time.” He glanced my way. I cringed slightly, knowing he was gently chiding me.

Will whined, and my father turned to him. “Stay in your wolf form, I think we may need to use it soon.”

A few minutes later, my father ushered us into a large meeting room close by the courtyard.

“Arrow!” Brex’s slender arms were wrapped around me as soon as I entered the room, and I melted into the embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re safe!”

“I’m so sorry I pushed you!”

Our words tumbled over each other as we began speaking at the same time. We laughed, relieved to be reunited.

“Did it go off alright?” My father interrupted our reunion gently but firmly.

“Yes, sir. Everything went as you said it would,” she responded. “And I was able to locate Little John and Epione.”

“Where are they?” I gasped, unable to stay quiet.

She grabbed my hand before she answered, giving it a soft squeeze. “They’re in the courtyard with everyone else from Greenwood. There are two others close by with her. I assume Einri and Tuck? Though they don’t look good at all.”

I nodded as my father took over the questioning. She answered all of them quickly and sufficiently, giving him a better idea of what we’d be facing.

“Here’s the plan. Will, I want you to go to the tunnels and find a way to exit the castle. I suspect there is at least one path leading out. Brexley, gather as many of the servants that you trust and take them to Epione’s. Wait there for my signal. In the meantime, pack as many healing potions as you can find. Arrow, you’ll stay with me. “

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