Page 55 of Blood Arrow

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Everyone nodded, the anticipation of the unknown filling my veins, making my hands shaky.I need my bow.

“With the weapon’s room destroyed, we should only have to face a few armed soldiers. I’m hoping most won’t want to fight me. That should work in our favor once we rescue Greenwood. The hangings are scheduled to begin at first light, so we don’t have much time. Be careful- “

“You see your majesty, it’s exactly as I feared.” The now familiar husky voice interrupted, and I stiffened.No!

He slowly turned to face King Graeme and the witch. “Asena, I should have known.”

“Jasiro, darling, don’t be like that. We caught you red handed.” I saw the smug look on her face and curled my fingers. Wishing I had claws that could scratch the look off of her face. Will growled low beside me, echoing my sentiments.Lucky bastard actually did have claws.

My father pinned us all with a glare and motioned Brex to stand with me.

King Graeme and Asena had come silently in through a side door, and I looked them over, taking in their appearance.

“I am greatly disappointed in you, General Jasiro.” King Graeme boomed, and I felt a surge of dread rise up from my toes and engulf my body.

“Your highness, you’re not in your right mind. This woman is –” he began, but the King cut him off.

“You dare say I’m not in my right mind?” The king roared, and I watched his face flush a deep red, while spittle flew from his mouth.

My father angled his head slightly our way and whispered, barely moving his lips. “Leave quickly!”

“I am the King of Thimmaria, and I will not suffer traitors to my crown!” The king continued screaming, and I could see drool hanging even from this distance. He visibly tried to calm himself. “You have proved yourself on the battlefield, and for that I will grant you mercy, if you swear to give up this foolish notion of rescue. Those beasts,” he spat the word out as if the very word itself was poisonous, “have lived a traitor’s life, having renounced their king and must die a traitor’s death.”

“My king,” my father began but was cut off again.

“My advisor has tried to tell me that you were no longer loyal to the crown, but I did not believe her. Do not prove me wrong.” The king continued, threatening.

I glanced at the stricken face of my father, and my anger bled from my body, quickly replaced with fear. I’d never, in all my years, seen my father – afraid. The dread from earlier sunk deeper into my chest.

“My king, I fought and bled for you because I believed in you, and in your cause. I believed it to be just. But these people are innocent! Do not trust that witch at your side,” he pleaded.

“You deny me?!” The king’s shriek echoed in the large room, and Will whined. “Traitor!”

The treasonous word brought a satisfied smile to Asena’s full red lips.

“Run!” My father yelled at us while drawing his sword.

Our feet grew wings as we raced to the exit to escape the king and his sorceress. Her shrill delighted laugh followed us, and my terror at the sound choked me.

“Heriotza!” The feminine yell was full of victory. I turned to see what was coming in time to see my father fall, face papery white.

“Papa!” I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from my father. “Papa, get up! Why isn’t he getting up?” I could barely see anymore as my vision swam, and I felt like I couldn’t get enough air. “No! Papa…”

That shrill laugh echoed against my eardrums, filling my head until that was all I could hear, until the slamming of the door behind us muffled the sound.

“Go, Arrow. I’m right behind you.” My father grunted after managing to dodge the spell that Asena threw at him.

He’ll be alright.I tried to convince myself.

Against everything that was screaming at me to halt, return to his side, and fight, I knew my mission was more dire. Innocent people were in danger. I had to do everything I could to prevent a massacre. Asena had bewitched everyone. Only I and the people under Einri could see through her lies and manipulation. Einri thought this affliction a curse, but right now it was more of a blessing.

Brex and Will careened around a corner, and I raced after them, ignoring the sounds of pursuit behind me. I ran down a corridor then turned left and sprinted until I was at the end with no sign of the others.

Moon Maiden’s tit! I’d lost them.

Breathing heavily, I peered down the hallway to my right but saw no signs of my ladies-maid or cousin. The squeak of a door behind drew my attention then arms wrapped around me and pulled me backward into a room.

I growled, a sound I knew would impress Einri, and began to kick and flail. I refused to be taken again by someone who couldn’t face me.
