Page 56 of Blood Arrow

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“Easy, ‘Row.” Will shushed me and I immediately stopped fighting.

“What in Nidar’s crooked teeth are you doing?” I hissed at him before looking around and spotting Brex rummaging in the room beyond.

“Giving the guards the slip,” he shrugged and I felt like growling again.

“Also, to get these.” Brex announced, turning around holding the bow my father gave me while tossing breeches at Will. “Thought you could use them.”

I barely managed to stop my lip from quivering. How she had procured these was a feat I would be eternally grateful for. My fingers gripped the aged wood and an ease settled within me. My bow and I were a team, and I knew it would never let me down.

We’ll make things right.

Slinging the quiver over my shoulder, I buckled it into place then rolled each joint, making sure I’d be able to move freely. Meanwhile Brex was stacking weapon after weapon into Will’s waiting arms that had bags slung over each appendage. The weight didn’t appear to bother him, and he grinned wider with every sword that was deposited.Show off.

Satisfied, Brex slung two bags over her shoulders then grabbed an unsheathed dagger, holding it ready at her side.

The three of us paused, looking at each other for a beat. What we were about to do would be the highest form of treason, but none of us could stand by while innocent lives were in danger. It didn’t matter what the king said or what the witch tried to do. This was wrong, and I intended to make it right no matter the cost. That was the price a warrior had to be willing to pay, and I was ready to lay down my life for it to happen.

Without another word Brex strolled to the door and opened it a crack. She peeked through the opening then motioned for us to follow her.

The castle was still and quiet. A chill ran down my spine while the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. It felt like eyes were watching me, but the absence of people told me that it had to be Asena. She was searching for me. I could feel it. I just hoped I wasn’t walking into another trap.

When we reached the hallway that would lead us to the ballroom, we all stopped and pressed our backs against the wall. Brex looked around the corner quickly before turning to face me and held up two fingers on each hand, bouncing them up and down.

Four soldiers guarded the doors, two on either side. I pulled two arrows from my quiver and nocked them, being sure to keep the deadly ends pointing toward the floor. We shuffled our positions, Brex and Will making room for me to have my own look. I motioned for Brex to withdraw two more arrows from my quiver and have them ready for me.

My fingers curled around the bow string and my heart sped up. I took a breath in through my nose, visualized what I wanted to accomplish, then exhaled through my mouth. I’d shot two arrows at a time in practice but never in combat or at a person. It made me sick to think about killing again, but I hardened my resolve. It was them or innocents, and just like my life, I was willing to sacrifice those that stood against me.

I inhaled, then stepped into the hall, raised my bow, pulled, aimed, and fired as I exhaled. The soldiers on the right were hit squarely in the chest, the barbs piercing their hearts.

Brex held out the other two arrows for me, and within the time it took for me to breathe I’d shot the left two before the first two had hit the floor.

I motioned for the others to go ahead, and I followed, covering my companions from behind with another nocked arrow.

Brex threw the doors open then grabbed the arm of a dead guard and began dragging him into the ballroom. Will dumbed his burden and managed to grab the other three, giving Brex a smug look as he did so.

“Arrow?” a voice croaked, and I looked around for the familiar voice.

“Tuck?” I spotted a man lying on the floor with a thick pool of blood by his side. His middle had been slashed open, but I was relieved to see that the wound was closed and was looking nearly healed. His face was ghostly white, and I hoped that wasn’t a bad sign.

“You have to go…” Tuck paused to cough wetly. “Save them.”

“Save who?” I looked around at all the drawn male faces.

“They took the women and children. They’re to be executed first.” Tuck answered, barely managing to growl the words.

“What?” Cold dread entered my veins followed by absolute fury.

“She seeks to teach him a lesson. He rejected her after the change, choosing us instead. She aims to hurt him the only way she can. Execute the ones he swore to us he’d protect at any cost,” Tuck panted as he sat up and looked me in the eye. “We have to save them.”

“Where are they?” I didn’t know what I could do, but the best bet was to buy us some time.

“In the training courtyard.” Another man spoke, helping Tuck climb to his feet.

“Alright, I’ll go and assess the situation, intervene if I have to. Will, hand out weapons and lead them all down there. Brex, find us an escape route.” Brex grinned while Will began handing out the weapons to all the males in the room. Many were close to losing control. Fur rippled down arms while fangs peaked between lips.

“Let me go with you.” Tuck started, but I sliced my hand through the air cutting him off.

“If something has happened to Einri the people of Greenwood will need you. I'll stall as long as I can. I promise not to have all the fun.” I tried to smile but it was weak.
