Page 46 of Mafia Maiden

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My mouth fell open. I expected him to get on his knees and beg me to forgive him, or at the very least, feed me some bullshit about how he was just upset, stressed, etc. etc. The very last thing I thought he would tell me was that he meant what he had said.

I threw my hands up and laughed slightly. “Goodbye.” I was done with this conversation. Leo ran hot and cold in a way that made my head spin. Last night, he’d whispered hot words into my ears as he fucked me slowly, quickly, and everything in between, and now, he was telling me that I was basically a loser.

None of it made sense, and I was starting to get too tired of his shit to put in this much effort.

“Would you rather that I sit here and lie to you?” he asked.

I was at the door, but I decided that I would bite. If Leo could not see why I was pissed, I would gladly tell him. After all, maybe it would help some future woman who found herself embroiled with Leo.

“You are impulsive,” he told me. He was walking towards me and with the moonlight framing his dark hair and suit, he looked like some sort of dark prince coming to capture his princess. The only problem was that I was hardly that girl.

I was more of a villain than Leo could ever hope to be.

“I find it exciting,” he admitted. “I’ve never met a woman who I couldn’t understand.”

This made me chuckle slightly. “Are you trying to flatter me because I can assure you that’s not working.”

Leo shrugged. Sometimes, in moments like this, I noticed that he developed a sort of devil-may-care attitude. It was hot in a way that I had not expected, especially because I knew that he cared, a lot. I just wondered about what.

“It’s working,” he said, reaching up to play with a wisp of my hair.

I hated how my body seemed to melt at the feeling of his fingertips on me, especially now that I knew what it felt like to have him inside of me.

I placed my hands on his chest, prepared to push him away even though my body wanted nothing more than to have him. “Why should I let you touch me?” I asked. “After all, I’m just an impulsive, silly little girl.”

I pressed my hands against his chest, pushing him back.

“I told you before,” I warned. “I am not a joke.”

Leo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean what I said when I told you that your impulsiveness was the reason that your father passed you over for Pakhan.”

I felt myself stiffen as he brought up me being Pakhan. Even though I wanted to pretend as though his words had not affected me as much as they did.

“I was pissed off at my mother,” he continued. “And I was pissed off at you.”

My brow rose. “At me? What did I do to you?”

I could not believe that Leo had the audacity to take out his family issues on me. I did not want to explore how sometimes, I may have been doing the same thing. My situation was different since he inserted himself into my family drama, and I had not even met his mother yet.

“I thought that last night changed things.”

“Because we slept together?” I released a frustrated breath. “My God, I did not expect you to be such a Pollyanna. I already told you…”

Leo stepped forward again. This time he placed his hands above my head caging me in with his body. “I thought that you realized that you belonged to me.”

My heart was slamming against my chest, but I continued to pretend as though I were not affected by his proximity. “And I thought that you realized that I don’t belong to anyone.”

Leo’s lips crashed down on mine hard, and I felt my body slam into the door behind me so hard that for a moment I wondered if the glass was going to shatter under our combined weight.

Leo’s tongue dueled with mine, and he released a groan as I sunk my teeth into his lip pulling at the skin as I pulled my mouth away from him.

As I pulled away, our eyes collided, and I could see the fire in Leo’s, which made a rush of moisture release from my body.

“I want you,” Leo growled.

For a moment, I wondered if I should punish him. He could want me, but that did not mean that he deserved me.

But as I looked at his rising chest, and I recalled the way he made my body sing the night before, I decided that I wasn’t into self-depravation. By denying him, I would also be denying myself.

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