Page 51 of Dark Prince

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“Too late for that history lesson. All you need to know is you and Si are going to initiate his ass. Consider it sisterly bonding.”

“He’s already a captain,” I deadpan.

“Not mine. He’s one of Dad’s. If he wants this like he claims to want it, then he’ll be initiated under me.”

“Seems fair to me.” Sienna’s lips curve up. “But I can handle him alone. I don’t need the unwanted sister’s help, brother.”

“Sienna, this isn’t one of those times where I give a shit what you need or don’t need. It’s an order I expect you to follow.” He pauses, but it’s one of those moments where you know it’s for a purpose. “Or I can initiate your smart ass instead?”

“I’m blood. You can go fuck yourself,” she smarts off, making me chuckle, which is the last thing I need to add, but couldn’t help myself.

“And Sasha married in, so you and she can willingly beat his ass or I’ll beat both of yours. Either way, no one will leave this room unless blood is spilled and maybe a broken bone, or three.” The smile falls from my lips, because I know Dom will carry out those words and it’s the last thing I need right now. To my knowledge, Sasha doesn’t know she is pregnant. I want her to tell me not the other way around, but if that’s what I have to do, so that Dom doesn’t hurt her, I will.

As if knowing what I’m thinking, my sister’s brown eyes snap to mine for a flicker of a second before her mouth pops open. “Fine. But this has nothing to do with bonding bullshit.” Sienna twists to look at Sasha. “Still want to throat punch you, ecdysiast.”

“Feeling’s mutual, bitch.” Sasha purses her lips, but I can tell Sienna’s use of a synonym for stripper dug under her skin.

“Let the girls go at each other and I’ll beat the old guy’s ass for free,” Krishna adds, and I have to fight the urge to drop my blades into my hands. I’d rather never see my wife and sister fight again, but the likelihood of that never happening again is nothing more than a pipe dream.

“Let’s just get this over with, shall we?” Leo adds, a grim look on his face, which surprises me. I know my father requires all of his captains to train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Weaponry training is a weekly requirement too, but he’s more relaxed on that than he is physical training two to three times a week. If I remember correctly, Leo has at least one black belt in BJJ, whereas Dad has earned four black belts.

“I agree.” Dom waves his hand, irritation evident on his face. “Girls, get on with it already. The sooner this happens, the sooner all of us can go the fuck home.”

“Why the hell didn’t you say that in the first place?” Sienna says, throwing an arm up. She kicks her heels off but does so with a quickness I didn’t expect. Next, her right knee lifts level to her chest and then kicks out, nailing Leo in his side. He grunts but takes it and does nothing.

Sasha comes in hard with a fist to the gut, making Leo double over, but again, he only grunts. My eyes round when I realize he isn’t planning to fight them back, opting to take their blows instead. I’m relieved, but I know not only my wife but also my sister. Neither will be satisfied or happy with him.

“Come on, Grandpa. Hit back,” Si taunts. “Show us what you’re made of.”

Leo’s gaze flicks to Sienna’s, but his lips remain sealed as he squares his shoulders, waiting for another blow or kick. Sasha then grabs him by his shoulder and rams her knee into his gut. That drops him to the ground, but nothing more than another grunt comes out of his mouth. It’s a relief that he doesn’t fight back. I’ve never seen him fight or train, but knowing what he’s achieved tells me he could stop the girls from their attack. It makes me wonder if Domenico is testing him.

It’s likely if I think about it. Dom doesn’t have any problems going all out against Sienna. He thinks it makes her a better fighter. I don’t disagree with him, and in fact, I too enjoy going against my twin. I also know Sienna needs it. She craves a fight like Domenico does. I’m the fucked-up one of the three of us. It’s simple really. I like the sight of blood.

It started when my sister knocked out two of my teeth when I was six. After I stopped crying like the baby I was back then, I caught sight of the blood. I was supposed to be asleep, but I could feel the blood in my mouth, so I went to the bathroom to spit in the sink. The saliva mixed with blood fascinated me.

After that, I tried to knock out my brother’s teeth and ended up getting my ass kicked instead. Later, when I started training with knifes that intrigue continued to grow until I cut Sasha once during foreplay when we were teenagers. An obsession I’m not ashamed to admit was born in that moment.

“This is bullshit,” my sister huffs, before taking her foot and shoving it against Leo’s chest so hard he falls backward onto his ass.

Planting his hands on the rubberized gym floor, Leo pushes himself up. It’s then I realize the level of control he has. There isn’t one indication that he’s angry at Sasha or Sienna. He’s not threatened by them either, but that isn’t what interests me. If either one of the girls came at me with the intent of bodily harm, I’d want to give them a taste of their own medicine. Leo, on the other hand, does not.

“Call an end to this shit, Dom,” Krishna says. When I glance behind me, he’s looking down at the screen of his phone. “He’s proved himself, now order the fucker to leave.”

“If you have something better to do, then by all means, you’re free to go fuck off. My entertainment isn’t over until I say it’s over.” Dom reaches behind his back, lifting the tail end of his leather jacket. A heartbeat later, his Glock 19 is visible. He looks toward Sasha before extending the weapon out toward her. “Shoot him.”

“And I’d do that why?”

“Because it’s an order. He isn’t the only one that needs to prove himself.”

“Yeah?” Sasha smirks but takes the weapon. “How is he supposed to be a well-behaved captain if he’s six feet under, new brother?” she mocks, trying and failing to get under Dom’s skin.

Takes a hell of a lot more than that, baby.

“I said shoot the motherfucker. I didn’t say kill him. Words have meaning, little girl. Pay attention.” Sasha’s jaw locks so hard it’s a wonder she doesn’t break a tooth. Domenico is a master at getting under people’s skin, something she needs to work on ignoring to make it in this family.

With her heated gaze locked on my brother, she pulls the trigger, not even looking at her target. There’s an audible click, but it dry fires.

“What the fuck?!” Her eyes turn murderous.
