Page 52 of Dark Prince

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“You’re the dumbass that didn’t check the chamber.” One side of Domenico’s lips tip up. Sasha then releases the magazine, dropping it into her other hand. The gun isn’t loaded. “You should have been able to tell it wasn’t loaded from the weight of the weapon.”

Sasha grits her teeth, but I can tell she’s disappointed in herself. She knows Dom is right, as do all of us. The very first thing you do when someone hands you a weapon or you pick one up is check to see if it’s loaded and if there is a round in the chamber. That was drilled into my siblings’ and my head from the time Dad started teaching us how to use a firearm. I don’t know Mischa well, but I do know he made sure his kids learned how to handle weapons from a young age, because Sasha would brag about it before we were teenagers.

“Leave, Leo. You’ve served your purpose. Now go get a team together so the rest of us can go home.”

“Yes, sir,” he says, nothing but respect in his tone even though he’s known my brother since he was born. “Ladies.” He nods before walking past me and exiting the gym.

“I can’t believe you gave me an unloaded weapon.”

“I can’t believe you’re such an amateur. I also don’t know how well you shoot. You think I’d risk you murdering him?” He doesn’t wait for a response. His eyes glance to me. “Think you could teach your wife how to handle a weapon as well as she handles your dick? God knows it must be good if you put up with her shit.”

“I know how to handle a gun, Dom, so go fuck yourself. Better yet, go fuck my brother. Maybe he can—”

He snatches her by the throat, disarming her in the same breath. “Careful, sweetheart. You haven’t earned your place here yet. Talk to me like that again and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

“Let her fucking go,” I bark, my tone rivaling my brother’s. “Now, Dom!”

“Knock it off already,” Krishna says. Dom releases my wife as he cuts his dark stare over my shoulder. I turn toward Sasha’s brother. He isn’t staring at his phone anymore but it’s still in hand, his arms crossed over his chest. “Ivan Sokolov’s compound was blown up last night.” He pauses but then adds, “With him in it.”

Being in love with a pakhan daughter, you make sure you know at least a little bit of the ins and outs of the Russian crime organization. I tried to find out as much on Mischa as I could during my high school years. Learning about him, I also learned who the Canadian pakhan is and where he lives. Dad taught us to know our enemies just as well as our allies. Don’t trust either. Back then, I was under the impression Mischa was our enemy. Now I get the feeling he’s actually an ally, and not only because I married his daughter behind his and my father’s back.

“You’re keeping something from me.” Krishna narrows his eyes on his sister. It’s then I realize she isn’t showing any signs of shock the way I am.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she replies, crossing her arms.

“She’s a liar too,” I say, interjecting myself into their conversation.

“Learned from the best, baby.”

“Maybe it was the other way around. Maybe I picked up bad habits from my wife?”

“Could you two shut the fuck up? It’s making me want to find that guy, drag his ass back in here, and shoot him for real this time. And you,” Krishna points a finger in Sasha’s face. It’s irritating me, but Sasha rolls her eyes, likely used to this from her brother. We were never together when our family was present, so getting used to their dynamic is probably the same for Sasha getting used to mine with Si and Dom. “Cut your shit and tell me what you aren’t telling me. It’s an order, bitch.”

“Dad took him out.”
