Page 54 of Dark Prince

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To my annoyance, Leo has done a good job managing the club while trying to put a New Orleans crew together. He has to have a backup like he did in Philly, but that will only come with time as his guys prove themselves. He decided to give most of Sal’s men a second chance. He wants to see what they are made of, as well as make sure they don’t have loose lips.

If that’s the case, only one option remains, so it was do it this way or dispatch them all now rather than later. Leo is a good man, but I’ve always thought that. I don’t think we could have lucked out with finding an already experienced captain here. This way, we get to leave tomorrow instead of six months from now.

Overall, it’s a positive turn of events. It was the break I needed, and it gave me perspective. I won’t say that I’ve been running my life in the wrong direction, but somewhere it got off the track. I still want my law degree and it will come in handy in more ways than one, but now I want in on the business side of things like my sister.

She can continue handling the money and the marketing side of things while I build an entertainment empire. I’m tossing around the idea of selling Headliners and starting from scratch or temporarily closing it down to revamp and expand the venue. Problem is, I’m not sure that’s best for the employees that depend on their job and the tips they get, so I may have to opt for the fresh start route.

Now that I’ve been hands on, I like it too much to give this all up and go back to what I was doing before.

“You look like you’re in deep thought.” I glance up to see Sasha standing in the doorway to my office, a pizza box resting on her hip. I didn’t hear the door open and should have, no matter how lost in my thoughts I was. Distractions and vices get people kidnapped, and that won’t happen again. What if it’s Sasha next? “Hungry?”

“Always.” For her that is, not the substance she brought with her, but I don’t say it. Things with us are rocky at best. It’s always been that way. One minute things are great and we fit like a glove, the next I’m second-guessing everything, and those are my low moments inside my head. I hate going there but can’t seem to stay away either.

She pushes off the doorframe, stepping inside, and then closes herself in here with me. Her brother was right last week. Sasha is keeping something a secret behind those plump lips. I wish she’d tell me, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with me. I could be her sounding board. I want to be the person she comes to for everything: wants, needs, desires.

I used to think the only way I’d get her was with manipulation. Yeah, it worked for half a second, but it didn’t keep her, and one of these days it’s going to come back to bite me in the dick.

“Luckily for you, I found a place that makes your favorite.” She lifts the tan box.

“All places make my favorite, baby. Question is, does it taste as good as Mario’s?” I push my leather chair a few inches past my desk until the wheels collide with the wall behind me.

“Now that’s just wishful thinking, but we’ll be home tomorrow. You can dive into all the pineapple and anchovies your stomach can hold.” She laughs, and it’s like hearing a symphony playing a harmony of all the peaceful sounds.

“I’d rather dive into you.” I lean my head back against the headrest as her mouth tips up into a smirk. “Come here,” I order.

Placing the box down on the corner of the desk, her legs round to my side. Dropping my eyes, I take her in from bottom to top. She’s wearing thigh-high boots over black leggings that are made to look like leather, except these are custom-made boot to be able to move in with ease.

Swiveling the chair around to face her, my knees spread apart as my hands find her hips. Her stomach is bare, her matching top only covering her tits with a peep show that’s open between her breasts. A snug-fitting leather jacket is over it, open in the front, covering a lot of her torso.

“Did you come to put on a show for me?” I miss watching her perform solely for me, even if she didn’t know it was me. Is it wrong that I liked when she admitted to feeling guilty for dancing for someone else when she was clueless that I was the man in her booth every night that she was on the schedule?

“I brought you dinner, but I’m not sure you’re up to eating the pizza or me, Ren. You’re exhausted. I can see it in your eyes. You need sleep.”

Her concern fills me with too many emotions at once, giving me hope for us. Her heart isn’t what I question. Never was. It’s the war inside her thick skull that keeps me up at night, forcing me to drink my weight in alcohol just so I could get my eyes to close.

“There is plenty of time to sleep on the plane tomorrow.” I yank her forward, pulling her onto my lap. “Don’t question my ability to eat your pussy, snowflake. You might just find my head between your legs for hours, bringing your body to the edge just to let it slip away long enough for me to do it all over again. You know I will.”

“What I know is that you need to be in bed. Go home, Ren.”

“I can’t. Club doesn’t close for hours. You know this.” Sleep is overrated. Now that I’m sober all the damn time, the dreams exhaust me more than anything. The only time I sleep in peace is when she’s wrapped so tight in my arms I know she can’t get away without me waking first.

“Leo is here. You’ve watched him all week. If you didn’t think he was ready, then we wouldn’t be leaving tomorrow. Go home and get some rest, Ren. I’ll keep an eye on everything for you.”

I contemplate her offer for several heartbeats. “Answer one question and I’ll go.” I wait for her to respond, and when she finally nods, I ask, “If there was one thing in the entire world that you wanted for yourself, what would it be?”

“You, Ren. Just you. Forever.”

Her words coat every cell in my chest cavity, warming my insides and chipping away at the mountain stuck in the center of my chest.

“Want me to leave? Want me to sleep while you’re here and I’m not? Then suck my dick and put me into a coma.”

“Now that I can do.” Her lips spread before they crash into mine.

You, Ren. Just you. Forever.

Another thread forms around my lifeline, strengthening the thin and frayed one that’s so close to breaking it’s been scaring the shit out of me for far too long. Thank you, Sasha.
