Page 55 of Dark Prince

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Me and my big fucking mouth. Of course, I want my husband more than anything else. I’d walk away from fighting, dancing, my family even if I thought we’d get away scot-free. The problem is, we were born into families with bullshit rules, and we’ll die among our family too.

There is no way out; not for people like us. If my Dad doesn’t give me an explanation when I see him tomorrow about what the hell is going on, then I’m going to have to resign to eventually dying without Lorenzo too. That’s what it’ll cost if I go up against Dimitri. I will not submit to him. Not in this fucking lifetime. That’s the one thing in this world I’m positive of.

Ren finally left half an hour ago, so I came down to the bar to watch the action and see for myself how Leo runs things on his watch. The girls have already fallen in love with him, going on about how sweet and kind he is. Lord, help them. The man is a fucking mobster. Do they not see this? I’m happy he’s showing them his good side, but they’d be smart to remember who the man really is.

I have half a mind to blow this joint and join Ren in bed in lieu of staying here, but I gave my word. Besides, my husband really does need sleep over sex. The taste of his dick still lingers on my lips, making it so hard to stay put. It’s a really nice dick; long, thick, and velvety. It curves upward slightly, and to the right. The owner is a master at wielding it inside me.

Shit, if I don’t get Ren’s cock off my mind, I’m going to wet the stool my ass is perched on. I suck the plastic straw between my lips, pulling in the ice-cold water I need to cool down my libido. My sexual drive is working extra hard tonight.

Usually Ren’s sates it, but I wouldn’t let him this time. I ordered him out of his office and then out of the club. Bed was all he needed to worry about, besides, there is a bed on my father’s plane. He can take care of it for as long as we’re in the air.

My phone vibrates in my other hand, indicating someone sent me a text message. If it’s Ren, I’m going to strangle him. The residence isn’t far from the nightclub. His head should already be on his pillow with his eyes closed.

I open it without peeking at the preview on the screen. When I see The Devil as the stored contact, my teeth clamp together and my chest tightens.

Dimitri:Enjoy wearing those pole-dancing clothes, ptichka. Soon you’ll be caged where you belong. Then it’ll be me that decides what you do or do not wear. Time is almost up, little bird, but it’s not only you that I’m hunting now.

The blood in my veins simmers as I read his text, then another pops onto the screen.

Dimitri:You look good angry. I’m going to enjoy bending you to my will.

He sees me. He’s watching me right now. But how? Dad said he swept the club. I assumed his men looked for cameras too. I didn’t tell anyone because Dad told me to keep my mouth shut, and for once, I listened. Maybe I shouldn’t have.

Shit. Then again, he could be here, but isn’t he too smart for that? My father killed his father. Does he know it was us? Shouldn’t he be home sorting that shit out instead of stalking me?

Fuck it, motherfucker. You want to spy on me, then I’ll give you a show you can’t forget. No one tells me what I can’t do. And if they try, they’ll learn real quick I do the opposite.

Putting my glass on the bar behind me, I slide out of my leather jacket, leaving it on the stool before I prance toward the stage as a bitter taste coats the inside of my mouth. He’s going to have to bring a lot more than idle threats. Even then, you won’t see me back down. Only death will put me in my place.

In hindsight, I should have thought this through. There’s no easy way to climb onto the stage from the floor, but I can’t take the chance in walking around the back. I don’t want to give Dimitri the chance to stop watching whether he is here or spying on me via a live feed.

Tapping a guy on the shoulder, he glances up at me. The music is loud, so I bend down to his level, my lips hovering a few inches from his ear. “Stand up for me for a sec, would you? I need to use your chair to get up there.” I nod to the stage where Rachel is performing.

He gives me a once-over, and as he does so, his bottom lip drops but he nods, signaling he’s going to comply and help me out. He’s barely standing before I put my hand on his back, using him to step into his chair and then onto the table. Once I’m on the stage, Rachel’s eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights.

This wasn’t exactly planned, but I don’t have the time or the patience to explain myself, so instead, I jerk my head, telling her without words to leave the stage. She quickly scurries away. With my back to the audience, I smirk, hoping Dimitri is watching every second of this.

Get a good fucking look, you piece of shit. It’ll be the one and only performance you ever get out of me.

I wrap my hand around the pole and twirl around to face the front. The lights aren’t blinding, so when I dip my ass to the stage floor, I get a bird’s-eye view of every set of eyes that’s peering at me, and I freeze for the length of at least two heartbeats. That’s a hell of a lot of people. It’s in that fleeting moment that it dawns on me—I’ve never actually danced or stripped in front of a crowd before.

I quickly stand back up and turn around, putting both hands on the pole. It’s only ever been Ren. How did I not realize that? Granted, I didn’t intend on actually taking off my clothes; maybe my boots, and only for Dimitri’s benefit. I hope he’s seething right now. I just want to push his buttons, defy him, make him understand that bending me to his will is not something he’ll ever achieve in this lifetime.

I tighten my grip on the pole and lift my feet off the ground, creating a V shape between my legs. Then I pull up so that I can drop my legs without them touching the stage floor. Doing that, I angle them both to the side and twirl around the pole, spreading my legs apart. Pushing my torso away from the pole, I bring my ankles in, wrapping my legs around the pole. Letting my hands release the pole, I arch my back and swing out.

I’m about to tuck inward and grab the pole again when someone snatches my hair in their fist, making me lose control as I’m yanked backward. I don’t plummet to the floor like I was expecting. Instead, someone grips my upper thigh, preventing me from crashing. When I look up, Domenico towers above me, his face every bit a viper waiting to attack.

His fingers feel like talons clawing at my scalp. The next thing I know, he’s righting my feet back onto the stage and pushing me forward in front of him, marching me off the stage through the back. After we’re past the curtain, he halts us in the hallway.

“I warned you not to test me, bitch. It wasn’t an idle threat, and you’re about to find out that I always keep my word. Every bone you use to dance, every one you need to execute a punch or a kick, will be broken tonight. You fucked up, and there are consequences to those actions. Don’t think for one second my little brother can save you either.”

Fucking fuck! Could I have been more stupid? I’m going to gut Dimitri for this shit.

The trek to the elevator feels like an eternity. When we reach his forced destination, he pushes me through the frosted glass door of the club gym and shoves me so hard I stumble over my feet and trip to the floor, landing on my hands and knees on the floor.

“Get those goddamn boots off,” Dom spits.
