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'You think the man behind the rebellion would be an asset to my reign?' said Fyia, openly smiling now.

'He is an asset to the Five Kingdoms. He knows the people, has lived in Moon his whole life … has the old blood running in his veins.'

Why these people cared so very much about bloodlines, Cal could not fathom. What difference did it make? And Venir had not denied Lord Antice was the man behind the rebellion …

'You could not find a better man to guide you,' Venir continued, 'to unite your kingdoms, so they become a power feared by all once more.'

'Toguideme?' said Fyia. Her face had set into an expression of abject fury. Venir didn't seem to notice.

'How will the people of Starlight react if you marry some dirty Black Hood?' said Venir. 'There will be a second rebellion!'

Cal knew enough of Fyia's people not to be shocked by the insult, but Venir's failure to notice his Queen's reaction was astounding.

'You have done well,' said Venir. 'No one could say otherwise, but we need a steady hand on the tiller now. The seas ahead are rough … you need a vigorous man to lean on, not the gaggle of rash women around you, especially as you must concentrate on giving the kingdoms an heir.'

'Enough,' said Fyia, standing and drawing her dagger. 'You are an old, ineffectual, cockroach of a man.' She took several menacing steps towards him, and he finally had the sense to keep his mouth shut. 'You and your fellowleaderscare only about lining your pockets, so you may laugh with each other about how clever and important you are.

'You think there is only one measure of a man: his ability to bloat himself on wealth, so he may secure the best filly to breed his children, and wield his wealth like a weapon. But what are those men when you strip away their lying and cheating and scheming? They are nothing, for they have nothing that money cannot buy. Their wives detest them, their children long for the day they will die, and their friends pray they will fall from their gilded perches, so another of them may display their ill-begotten feathers and preen at the world.

'Youdareto think your nephew couldguideme? Are you blind? Can you not see my achievements? Or are you so controlled by your base instincts to dominate and breed that it is impossible for you to comprehend the evidence before you? You, who thinks he is so clever and important … who thinks he is above the crown itself, because it does not sit on the head of aman.'

Fyia had become a raging ball of righteous anger, and Cal reveled in every moment. She was magnificent, powerful, demanding the respect she deserved. She would be an asset to his kingdom. He itched to hear the ideas she would bring, the knowledge she would share, just as he longed to ride a dragon beside her. For if anyone could return the dragons to their lands, it was her.

'I … I …' said Venir, his voice a scared stammer. Despite knowing Fyia had killed three Kings by her own hand, it had taken until now for Venir to realize the mortal threat before him.

'I should offer my betrothed the opportunity to stick a knife in your guts for calling him adirty Black Hood, but you deserve to die at the hands of a woman.' Fyia took several more steps towards him. 'But worse than that, you should know that your chosen heir—your nephew—will get nothing after your death, for I am stripping you of your land, titles, and wealth. They now belong to Lady Sensis Deimos.'

'No,' breathed Venir. His eyes found Sensis, as did all other eyes in the room.

Cal looked at Sensis too, but her features were a mask. She bowed. 'I thank you, Your Majesty, although such a reward is unnecessary.'

'It is necessary,' said Fyia, 'for not only have you served me to the very best of your extensive and formidable abilities—and you would deserve this reward for that alone—but your home kingdom disregarded your talents, refused to train you, and told you your worth was for breeding alone. For that, you deserve reparations.'

Sensis bowed again, and when she looked up, Cal saw the raw emotion in her eyes. Fyia nodded at her friend and smiled.

'You cannot take away all my family has built!' said Venir. 'Antice will not stand for it.'

Fyia turned back to the weasel, Edu holding him down as Fyia moved closer still. 'Eratus Venir, you have schemed with the Kraken Emperor, plotted against your Queen, and incited rebellion. For your treachery and treason, I sentence you to death.'

Fyia closed the gap between them, and Venir's eyes went wide. 'No! Your Majesty!' He squirmed, but Edu held him in place, and Fyia stuck her dagger in his guts.

Fyia watched for a while as Venir howled and swore, and then she finished him. 'Apologies for the mess, Lady Nara,' she said.

Fyia ran on the beach, then swam in the ocean. There were reports the kraken were increasing in number, but they rarely came so close to shore, and this wasn't her day to die. She lay back on the sand, the chill wind eroding the trauma of the day, and Fyia felt herself relax for the first time in as long as she could remember.

Yes, she still faced rebellion, but the threat from the Kraken Empire was no longer, she had a fledgling fleet of airships, her brother and Essa had not betrayed her, and Venir's execution would send a strong message to the rebels … along with news of her engagement to the King of the Black Hoods.

Maybe that would lead to a new rebellion in her home kingdom, but Fyia couldn't find it within herself to care. All she could think of was leaving for the Great Glacier, where she prayed to all the Gods they would find answers.They. For she and Cal would go together, and the thought sent a thrill up her spine.

By the time Fyia returned to the house, the late autumn sun had almost dipped below the horizon. She headed straight for the open fire, holding out her hands to the warmth.

'Hey,' said Cal.

Fyia jumped. Cal lay on the sofa, stroking her wolves. She'd felt her Cruaxee, but hadn't realized he was there too. 'Even better,' she said, dropping onto the sofa next to him and snuggling into his heat.

He wrapped an arm around her, and her wolves head-butted him in protest. They'd suddenly decided they liked him …

'Sorry,' said Cal, 'the Queen takes priority.'
