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'And you're spoilt,' she added.

A comfortable silence settled over them, but Fyia's thoughts raced.

'Are we going to talk about it?' said Cal, his hand stroking her hair.

She looked up at him. 'Which bit?'

He laughed. 'I was thinking of our engagement.'

'Oh … which bit?'

'I won't hold you to it, if it's not truly what you want.'

'Cal …'

'You were under duress, and we have much to learn about each other, and each other's people. There is much to agree, but … I wish to marry you,' he said, looking into her eyes.

Fyia kissed him. 'I wish to marry you too,' she said, 'which makes us more fortunate than most royals. I actually like you.'

Cal rolled his eyes affectionately. 'Your lands are so much bigger and more intricate than mine. I have but one kingdom to satisfy. You have five, with so many differences of opinion and selfish desires.'

'You have dealt with the same,' she said.

'Yes, but I mean, if we wed in my kingdom, it would be simple. We would go to the Temple of the Dragon, and all would be invited, but that won't work here.'

'No,' Fyia agreed, 'but I don't want to think about that now … or at all, in fact. That's why I have a Small Council … and an Extended Council. Maybe we'll have a celebration in each kingdom …'

He nodded. 'It's so different here. Political …'

Fyia squeezed his hand. 'Venir was the worst of them; I promise not everyone is so bad.'

He squeezed back. 'Why give Venir's lands to Sensis?' he said. 'Why not Starfall, or one of the others?'

Fyia inhaled deeply. 'Sensis grew up in Moon. She knows the land and its people. The leaders there saw her talent, but shunned her, were scared she might best the boys, so wouldn't even let her hold a sword. Her family was neither rich, nor influential, so there was little she could do. In the end, she ran away. I'm glad she did, for without her, I wouldn't have won … she is the most important member of my team.

'Starfall already has lands and property in the Kingdom of Starlight. She runs her affairs from afar, and has no interest in amassing more. The wardens have estates already, the Spider is happy on her web, and Essa and Edu are next in line, but neither of them are concerned with land and titles. Essa has all the research funds she desires, and Edu … well, I don't know exactly what he wants, but it isn't that.'

'Does Sensis want land and titles?'

Fyia shrugged. 'She came from a merchant family of middling means. She grew up around the likes of Lord Antice, and they always looked down on her for her lack of wealth and influence. She has nothing to prove to anyone, and she knows that, but I think a part of her has always wanted those things, if only to throw it in the faces of those who doubted her.'

A ruckus sounded from the corridor, and Fyia sat to see who invaded their quiet moment. Everyone. Cal pecked her on the lips, then whispered, 'Have fun,' before he stood and left the room.


They peppered her with a never-ending list of topics, from Venir's funeral arrangements, to announcements about her marriage, the titles Sensis now held, and what felt like hundreds more besides.

When they finally ran out of things to ask her, Fyia started on a list of her own. 'Cal and I intend to travel to the Great Glacier immediately. In our absence, please change the marriage laws, so men and women are equal partners.'

Starfall paled, and Lady Nara averted her gaze. Fyia knew it would not be easy—she may even face new rebellions—but she could not marry Cal until the changes were made, so she had little choice.

'When the nobles complain, focus on the positives,' said Fyia. 'Remind them they are getting what they wanted. I am marrying, and an alliance with the Black Hoods is advantageous to my kingdoms. Not to mention, we are now friendly with the Kraken Empire, and have a strong alliance with the Scorpion Lands. Trade will boom.'

Fyia reached into her pocket and pulled out a handful of dragon scales, each no bigger than a fingernail. She handed one to each of them. 'And if they persist with their complaints, show them these.'

By the time Fyia was finished, the night was almost over. She found Cal on the beach, looking every inch the Black Hood, with his coal-colored cloak, his hood raised.

Opie and the airship waited on the sand, and the sight raised the hairs on her arms. The dragons were close … she could feel it.

Cal threw her cloak around her and clasped it at her neck. 'Ready?' he said.

'Ready,' said Fyia. She pulled up her hood and took his hand. 'North, to the Great Glacier.'
