Page 3 of Craving Her

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“What is it about for you? Why did you come here looking for me?”

“I just wanted…”

“Uh Uh, come on Teach. You worked up the courage to come in here. Now be bold enough to answer. What did you want?”

Her voice trickled out like a shaky stream babbling along a brook. Belle is one of the teachers at my school. Sometimes Rebel would come to pick her up. Waiting on his bike in the parking lot until she would run out. Her red face looked happier than I’ve ever seen it. I asked her what he was like? She told me that he was a man of depth and beauty.”

Renegade almost burst out laughing. “Depth and beauty? Is that what she said? That’s because she’s never seen him lay hands on anybody. Rebel can put a man twice his size down with one punch and then gear up and ride right over the guy without looking back. Wait until the brothers hear what Rebel’s old lady was saying about him.” He shook his head. “Depth and beauty.” He shook his head again. Women.

“Then I met you. I read every paper you wrote. Your papers were the only ones I took home. Memorizing each one. It was only supposed to be one narrative essay describing your life.”

“What? One assignment. You had us writing damn near every day. Writing until my fingers damn near fell off.” He’d been dragging his fingers up and down her spine. But he switched to knuckles working her flesh.

“You told me a story about your father. But your words were like beautiful poetry. And so I assigned another. I wanted more of your life. Sometimes, I didn’t even read the other papers. I’ve never done that before. But I was blinded by your words. Captured. You’re laughing at Rebel. But your stories, they made me wish. They made me hope. Laugh and cry.” Her shoulder slid up under his ministrations. Before she relaxed her arms down along the table’s sides. “You opened the box and I could see the treasure. But then class ended, and the box slammed close.

Damn. He pulled her jeans back up and her shirt down. Tapping on her shoulder, telling her to sit up. Her eyebrows furrowed together. “I can’t. I appreciate everything you said. It means a lot to me. I spent a lot of time in school feeling invisible. I couldn’t stand being invisible to you. Hated it. Hated the way you made me feel. But now.” He shook his head, “I can’t.”

“You can’t what?”

“I can’t take advantage of you. When you came in here, I intended…” He stepped back. Balling his hands into fists. “I wanted revenge. I wanted to pound myself into you. Make you see me. Make you call out my name. Over and over until you admitted it. That you did see me. Dammit, I wanted you to see me, hear me, touch me, taste me, feel every part of me in every part of you. Mark you like a tattoo. Permanent.” He took another step back. Running his hand across his neck. But her eyes had the wide-eyed look of a deer that had been hit, laying by the side of the road. He’d seen it once. A deer only half dead. Hit by some asshole who kept going. The fear, the confusion as it struggled to understand what had just hit him. Struggled with feet that didn’t work right to stand up. Until he’d taken out his gun and put it out of its misery. Her legs didn’t look like they were working right either. As she wobbled down to the floor. Damn. Here he was again in the same situation. Only this time he shot with words. “I wanted to use your body. Use it in every possible way. Get balls deep inside you and fuck the shit out of you. Until you couldn’t walk. Couldn’t talk. Couldn’t fucking breathe. It wasn’t going to mean anything.” Why wasn‘t she recoiling? Did she get what he was saying? “But dammit, I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

Chapter 4

Renegade’s eyes flared wide. Had she shocked him? But as quick as the flare came it was gone. His eyes dulled and he looked away. “There’s nothing for you here, Miss Hannigan. Go back to your school. Go back to your safe world.”

He didn’t understand. She was tired of being safe. She saw him. She wanted him. Now all he had to do was take what she was offering. Was it that damn hard? She wasn’t an unattractive woman. At least not anymore. Braces, contacts, and prescription-strength pimple cream had changed all that. Taken her through her awkward ugly teen years. Where she had played it safe, sinking under the radar to avoid bullies. She’d continue playing it safe. Until she met Oliver. There was no safer choice than he had been. Safe name. Safe job. Safe future. He’d been safe until he wasn’t. The first time he’d hit her she’d been too shocked to respond. He’d broken down crying. Using his tears as a power tool. After she accepted his apology the first time, it got easier for him to hit her again. The second time was enough. The whole relationship had only lasted three months. But in those three months, he’d reshaped her. Causing her to doubt herself. To doubt everyone. And to never feel safe again. Time had flown by in her safe world. She retreated into her books. Dated her vibrator on the weekends. And now it was three years since a man had held her in his arms. She couldn’t keep living her life in a cocoon. She had fallen off a bike and laid there. But now she was ready to ride again. He was a helluva choice for her first ride. But how could she resist? The arch of his brow, the curl of his lip, the breadth of his chest, the thick thighs, the tight butt, the biceps rippling with muscles through his shirt. She’d barely been able to get through a lesson. The first day he’d walked in, she’d damn near creamed in her pants. She covered it up with her taut response. Angry at him for sparking her reaction in the first place. And wouldn’t you know it? The only damn seat left, was right in front of her. The heat from his eyes branded her ass as if he had laser vision. And when she’d turned around it was no better. His eyes lasering into hers, before landing on her breasts as if he could see her nipples pucker. Forcing her to turn around and face the board again to cover them up. Holy hell, was there a man sexier? He’d taken top billing. Starring in her nightly fantasies. Thank God, he couldn’t mind-meld with her and dig her naughty desires out. Naughty desires, yeah that was it. That would be the title of her next story. A story he’d be headlining as the main character. Not that she’d ever tell him.

He gave an, “ahem” at her silence. Had she slipped away into her fantasy world again? The only time she was completely focused was when she was teaching. Or at least she had been able to focus until he’d stepped into her class. Teaching her that some fantasies were real. But now he was kicking her out. Nope, she couldn’t let that happen. Not without tasting his forbidden fruit.

She licked her lips. “I think you can.”

His lip turned up in a little half-smirk. Arching his brow. “You think I can, what?”

He was laughing at her, but she’d been laughed at her whole life. He wouldn’t be laughing when she climbed him like a stripper pole and slid down. Rosa, the star of herNasty Girlbook series had taught her that line. “I think youcantake me. Fuck me and use me.” Her voice was shaky, so she swallowed down the quiver. Be Rosa. Rosa, took any man she wanted and didn’t ask twice. If she could write Rose, then surely she couldbeRosa. “I want you…” She stepped through the boundary he’d erected between them. Stepping into his personal space and taking it as her own. “I want you so much.” She ran her hands up his chest. Luxuriating in the feel of his pecs under her palms. Oh, that would be a great title.Pecs under Palms. Her hands coasted to his shoulders. Her eyes holding his. His granite face didn’t crack, and it damn sure didn’t crumble. Why was this so much easier in a book? Maybe he had changed his mind. Her fingers laced behind his neck bringing his face down to hers. And she still had to lift up on her toes to reach his lips. Her tongue traced across his lips. Delighting in his flavor. So unique. So, Renegade. No words to describe it. She was savoring the flavor in her mouth and sinking into it. But his face was still granite. She drew back. Her brows knitted. He didn’t want her. She looked at his narrowed eyes and the pressed line of his lips. Oh God, how embarrassing. He didn’t want her. She jerked away from his body. She felt doused in heat and a bucket of ice at the same time. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” She slapped her hand across her mouth. Was sorry good enough for molesting your student?

“Sorry for doing it? Or sorry for not doing it right?”

“Doing it right?” Wait did he say not…

“Yeah, we get women like you all the time. We call them club lays. Women so turned on by the patches they’ll offer anything. Booze, drugs, sex…anything. But usually, the sex offer comes with a little strip show to get things going. Although some just drop to their knees and start with a blow job. Other lays offer to take us on two or three, hell all of us, at a time. Is that what you want? You want me to get my brothers in here so they can all get in on it.” His nostrils flared. “All for your little fantasy.”

“No, of course not.” The quiver was back and there was no swallowing it. But whatever, because it helped her stiffen her spine. The arrogant ass. This was her first time ever doing something like this. “This wasn’t about my fantasy.” He arched his brow and cocked his head as if he’d spied on her fantasy and knew she was lying her butt off. “Okay, fine. I have fantasized about this. But it wasn’t about you and anybody else. It was you. Just you. When you walked in, I thought we had a connection. A mutual attraction. But if you weren’t interested. That’s fine. My mistake.” She thought she’d died before from embarrassment, and she must have. As she sunk lower than the depths of hell.

“I never said, I wasn’t interested. I said you weren’t doing it right.”

“Well, I’m not having sex with you and your brothers. And I’m not dropping to my knees and giving you a blow either.”

“Damn, that would have been the best part. So, no blow. No group. But is the strip show still on the table?”

“Is that the right way?” He arched his brow again before giving a quick nod down with his chin. “So, you want me to…”

“Yes, Miss Hannigan. Take off your shirt. And do it slow. If you want …”

His eyes widened when she stepped back out of reach. And took off her shirt. Snatching his response right out of his mouth.

Chapter 5
