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“Raine did not either when he was a child, but something is different about Dannika. I can’t put my finger on it. Let’s see how she reacts to Maddock’s test.”

Maddock dissolved and reappeared behind Dannika. She dove forward, then rolled back to her feet to confront Maddock, but he moved again so fast, she couldn’t evade his grasp. He was stronger than she realized and though she bit and scratched his arm, drawing dark blood, his grip was like titanium.

He slammed her to the ground. The impact didn’t hurt, but spitting grass and dirt from her mouth was humiliating. Just like the mentor from her past. Thoughts of her betrayer fueled her anger. She didn’t turn; she just dissolved and reappeared as her knee impacted his groin.

His claws slashed her thigh. She screamed, her wolf backing down. It acknowledged its inability to fight Maddock.

Her body solidified to her human form as she held the gaping wound together. She could feel the tissues knit together and was distracted by the rush of blood as her body regenerated.

From in front of her, Maddock roared. His black, misty form bulked out, making him appear bigger as his claws lengthened. He swiped at her throat; she accepted the end.

A new consciousness rose within her. Her body dissolved and contorted in the seconds it took for his natural weapons to meet her flesh. Her body was misshapen. Half-human when the razors cut through her, but when her form solidified, it was not human. It was not a wolf.

She hissed in pain and anger as she jumped away, stumbling in her awkward new body. The clan roared in surprise as she looked down at her tawny fur. She crouched as Maddock circled her.

Steele stepped in front of Dannika. “If you kill her, consider us at war. She will be given the choice of clans after her training. Raine retains the right as a mentor.”

Maddock resumed his human form. “She must survive training first.”

Raine crouched in front of her. “Dannika, I need you to resume your human form.”

Ryder handed Raine a towel.

Raine applied it to her wound as her human form emerged.

She stood as the white towel turned red. Her eyes lost focus when Maddock stepped up to her.

His fingers wrapped around her throat. “This isn’t over.”


Dannika forgot about the pain radiating in her chest, and the promise to try to abide by the leader’s rules. The claws biting into her neck were a reminder of the insidious behavior of her former mentor. Her friend. Her mind blanked, leaving her with the instinct to get away.

She slammed her fist upward, connecting with Maddock’s jaw. Her right elbow connected with his solar plexus. His thick hands grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head to the side. Raine slapped Maddock’s hand away.

“Stop this. Act like a leader, not a spoiled child,” Raine growled.

Dannika put her hand on Raine’s arm. A chill skittered down her spine as she met his glowing sapphire eyes. The whites had turned black, signifying his alpha shadow was a hair’s breadth from emerging. The concerned looks on the surrounding clan members alerted her to the danger of the situation. She may not know clan politics, but she knew bullies, and Maddock would never stand for being opposed. Violence had a distinctive odor, and Dannika was accustomed to it.

“Raine, it’s okay. I overreacted.”

“That was a death blow.” Raine’s voice echoed with that of his alpha. This time, it hinted of disrespect. “Maddock intended to sever your head. No leader should be intimidated by a fledgling a day out of transition. It is a sign of weakness.”

Maddock’s form rippled as black mist rolled off his skin in dark flames. “Yes, she is a fledgling, but look at the dissension she’s caused within the clan. Between us. At this rate, we will all be reapers by next week.”

“Her emergence may very well be the evolution of our species. You fear what you do not understand. Change is inevitable within any species. We embrace it or we go extinct. You know this.”

Maddock huffed. “If she is our destiny, we may as well turn reaper now.”

Steele approached them. “I agree with Raine. We don’t know how or why Dannika survived the transition. If female shadows are part of our future, then we need to learn the differences in our female counterparts.”

“She is just as likely a mutation. You know our origins. Females do not survive. That she is a poly shifter only strengthens my opinion,” Maddock said.

Dannika’s heart stuttered. A Mutation. A poly shifter.How had her world turned into this nightmare?

Ryder had been quiet as he observed the melee surrounding him. “Poly shifters have existed for centuries. They were few and distrusted, but they existed.”

Steele nodded. “We had poly shifters in the past. They were rare but highly coveted by my clan.” He glanced at Dannika. “As she is both wolf and cougar, she may choose, but I would like to offer for her. We will pay a pack tribute to the wolf clan if she accepts our proposal.”
