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Maddock stepped forward. “Move aside, Raine. I wish to teach your fledgling a lesson.”

Raine’s form rippled as he struggled to hold his shadow form in check. The instinct to protect Dannika was like nothing he had experienced in his long life, but his actions could rip the clan apart. “No. It is unseemly for an alpha to let a fledgling bait him. Your lack of control concerns me.”

“Do you wish to challenge for leadership? Over a fledgling? How the mighty have fallen.” Maddock sneered.

Raine’s muscles tensed. “I do not desire leadership, but if it is your intention to kill Dannika, then my duty as a mentor is clear. Would you have allowed my death within days of my transition?”

Maddock’s shadow form emerged. “I respect your role as a mentor. She will not die, but she will learn her place. Her disrespect is due to her belief that human rules still apply to her. You yourself suffered from this misconception when you transitioned.”

Raine looked away. “You were an excellent mentor. Allow me the same courtesy. It takes time to accept what we are.”

Maddock’s form rippled. “I think you have forgotten your training. Remember what measures I took to ensure your compliance.”

Raine’s lip curled. “I assure you I haven’t forgotten. Those lessons were hard but necessary.”

“Agreed. Now, step aside.”

Raine’s eyebrows creased, but he backed away.

Maddock stepped up to Dannika. “Raine will train you, but he is biased. This is a drawback of many mentors. They become enthralled with their fledglings. You will find I do not possess this weakness.”

Raine made a quick movement of his hand. It was barely detectable, and she was sure that Maddock hadn’t noticed the gesture. Such a simple word. One that she knew in her heart she should follow. All she had to do to survive was follow Raine’s one instruction.


Dannika bit her lip. The instinct to lash out both verbally and physically was unlike anything she had experienced. She had never considered herself a violent person, yet the images playing in her mind were just that. Her animal had no use for the alpha shadow shifter, yet she knew her open opposition would get her killed.

Maddock’s eyes narrowed as she continued her internal battle. “Most fledglings instinctively cower to their alpha. You lack this instinct. It is my duty to educate you on the dangers of opposing a superior.”

“You think you’re superior? That’s rich. I won’t respect you for being a bully. Yes, you are strong, you are big, but you have zero compassion and respect for those around you, so excuse me if I don’t reciprocate.” The words tumbled before she could stop them.

This last year at the shelter had taught her to respect others, regardless of their station in life. Maddock wasn’t half the leader Margo had been.

Maddock sneered. “Step into the ring, fledgling.”

She looked around at the swaying blades of grass. “Were in a field.”

“The ring of battle can be anywhere. It’s time you had a more comprehensive lesson in obedience.”

She huffed. “Yeah, right. Good luck with that.”

His black misty form was nothing like the man in her past. The one she trusted. The one that took so much from her, but the smug superiority was the same. Her eyes blazed with hatred and anger before her shadow warrior burst forth. She launched forward, ducking low before she impacted his solid form.

He grunted when he stepped back, growling. It was the surrounding murmuring that alerted her she’d made another mistake.

Steele approached with Ryder.

Maddock’s claws extended from his knuckles. “This is the last time you disrespect me.”

His voice boomed with that of the alpha.

“I wouldn’t bet on it,” Dannika snapped.

Steele’s eyes narrowed. “How can a fledgling disregard an alpha’s voice?”

Ryder glanced at Raine. “Maddock should know the answer. It happens when a fledgling is an alpha.”

Steele shook his head. “She does not possess an alpha’s voice.”
